Thursday, July 24, 2008

Searching for Orange Julius

Author’s Note: Since I mentioned it on my Facebook page I guess I should allude to it here. Yes, I did receive a job offer today. It was a verbal offer but I should have it in writing rather soon. I’ll give more details as more details are confirmed but the position is an extremely good fit for me and the details so far have matched what I’ve wanted them to be. Nothing is a certainty yet, and there are still a handful of factors that I need to take into consideration, but it does look like my job search is nearing the final stretch. Which is nice given that the severance pay is about to run out. Much more on this as I figure things out.

(Oh and of course you can be my Facebook friend. You just have to know my real name, that is all. Though apparently not too many people know that one given the select group of people who appear as my friends.)

I’m struggling for a topic (mainly because I do fear jinxing an offer before having it in my hands) so I guess I’ll write about going to the mall this morning. Yes, I ventured out to the mall even though I could do essentially all of my shopping on the Plaza. There are just some things though that you need to go to a mall to obtain. Plus it is always good to check out Spencers and see how they have rebranded it. (Seriously, is there any other store that you are more amazed to still see in business. Twenty plus years of selling things to horny teenagers who are attempting to be cool.)

My tasks were rather simple. Pick up some new cologne since I was running low and wanted to try out something different. Picked up a few more t-shirts as I have reached the point in my life where wearing a t-shirt promoting any school, movie, or alcoholic beverage is no longer tolerated. I still need to really pare down my wardrobe and take one good look at what I have and what I need. More like what I should get rid of as I haven’t worn it in the past decade. I’m a pack rat, I’ll admit it. I don’t know why I have kept t-shirts from high school I just have. I’d like to claim sentimental value but I think it falls more in the range of having enough closet space to handle them.

I think it is a little strange how the mall changes as you get older. As a teenager it really is a multiple hour adventure. You want to check out every store and see if you might run into someone you know. I wasn’t a mallrat but I at least liked going into stores and looking and wasting what little money I actually had. Now it is really an organized experience for me. Go in, hit the three stores I am intending to hit, shake my head at the fact that there are stores that due to my age I can’t even think of shopping in (no more Hot Topic for me) and going on my way. That is one of the bummers of being old; you lose those spaces that are your own. It’s like wishing that staying up late would be cool again. I can still remember the thrill I had as an eleven year old staying up late to watch Carson. Now I can close a bar and it is no big deal. Hopefully I’ll be able to regain some of that exuberance once more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's a check on your age: when you say staying up late to watch Carson do you mean Johnny Carson or Carson Daly?