Friday, July 18, 2008

80's Weekend Rewind #1

And now time for your inaugural 80’s Weekend Rewind, where we here at Battling the Current highlight one of the greatest songs from years gone by. And yes, the fact that these songs will typically be more than 20 years old depresses us mightily. Our first selection is one of the most awesome videos ever. Let’s list the ways, shall we?

1) The song is “In a Big Country” by the band Big Country. Typically albums are self-titled. In this case, it is the song itself that is self-titled. Makes for easy memorization.
2) The video is a ten year old EC’s dream of a James Bond adventure. Riding ATVs! Scuba Diving! Repelling down cliffs! Chasing after a strange and vaguely attractive woman but not having to, you know, have a conversation with her! What else could one want in a video?
3) I still think that the bass player is having more fun on stage than any bass player has the right to have during the concert scenes. Seriously, the guy is smiling and bouncing around. Twenty five years later I still remember the bass player.
4) Not only is the plot of the video completely unfathomable but it seems to have nothing to do with the song, which itself doesn’t make any sense at all. I’m not sure why dreams are supposed to stay with you in a large political division of a geographic entity. I certainly don’t understand why the best group of people to chase after what one assumes is treasure is a pop rock band. Seriously, it is never shown what is in the box they are chasing after. It just seems like the band decided to do a whole bunch of crazy stunts while looking rather dour and serious.
5) This is still one of my favorite songs of all time. Even with that being the case myself and every other music fan who is not directly related to the band is unable to remember anything about this song other than the chorus. Well, maybe I could remember “Growing flowers in the desert” but in all honesty I think they could replace all of the verses with just a repeat of the chorus and no one would mind.

Enjoy the weekend everyone!

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