Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Packing up the board games

Here is a sense of the way my life works. I went to play trivia tonight and guess what the answer to one of the questions was? Stratego. This is precisely why I blog. I write about so many inane topics that by the time I play in a weekly trivia game I have written about every possible thing that could conceivably be an answer. Came in fourth tonight as a team of one. Pretty impressive but I could still do better.

I also still walk to trivia like I did in Kansas City. I like walking as it a) gives me the illogical notion that going to a bar counts as exercise and b) means that I do not have to worry about what takes place in the bar because I am walking home. However, instead of the five minute walk to Record Bar it is now a fifteen minute walk and doing so in a cold rain is quite annoying. I’m still vaguely drenched.

Ok, on to the board game front (which I’ll wrap up here due to it being too late to surf the net for action figure images. I’ll do that tomorrow.) I did exclude Monopoly and I’m not entirely sure why other than it is such an iconic game that it makes it difficult to discuss Mr. Moneybags in any logical sense. First off, the game begins with the fight over who gets to be the race car. This can turn violent as while settling for the horse or the cannon is acceptable absolutely no one wants to end up with the thimble. That has to be the dumbest playing piece in the history of mankind.

Second of all, much like in Risk, Monopoly requires social interaction and deal making for a game to be successful. This is an inherent flaw in my point of view as I prefer to not have to speak during a game, preferring to just utilize statistical analysis and game theory to dictate my actions. I mean, playing a game and being forced to talk to my family? What the hell? Also, by nature the game can last forever as players can just keep circling the board, collecting $200 and doing nothing. At least in Risk you get to envision laying waste to places like Irtusk.

Switching games, I actually remember playing Pay Day as a kid and really enjoyed it. It was really difficult as an eight year old to get your head around the concept of rent payments and life as a low level wage slave. I checked Wikipedia and your monthly pay in that game was $325 a month. That has to be one crappy apartment you are living in. Hell, even at a $3 an hour minimum wage you aren’t pulling in 40 hours a week. No wonder you had a “Sell your plasma for the free cookie” card.

There was one more game I wanted to list but after thirty minutes on Wiki and racking my brain all day I still can’t remember the name. If any of my siblings read this (or if anyone else knows) please post it in the comments. It was a game in the same format as Guess Who except that instead of vague pictures of children it was pictures of adults with various occupations. Each player chose a card representing who you are and the other players asked “Does your person have glasses?” and you could only answer yes or no. So from that point it was process of elimination.

The reason I remember this game so clearly is because of two cards. If you held one card “The Sycophant” (not the name but close enough) no matter what another player asked you would always answer “yes”. My favorite character was “The Liar” who would always lie about whatever question was asked. Playing as, or against, The Liar made the game incredibly challenging. Yes, the fact that I was enjoying logic puzzles at age 9 does say a lot about me.

Tomorrow: Action Figures! They’re not dolls, damnit, they’re action figures.

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