Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Home is where you find it

Well I am back home again, home being another word for “where my stuff, and more importantly Natalie the Laptop, is.” I can’t say that I have become accustomed to having Delaware be my home quite yet. I haven’t even felt quite at home in my new apartment. I blame the hardwood floors. While they are really sweet and make the place look great it doesn’t have that homey feel of having fluffy carpet underneath your bare feet. Instead I feel like I’m on a gym floor with the coach getting ready to yell at me for wearing the wrong shoes.

It has been a fun few days as I have flown from Philly to Chicago on Wednesday (easiest flight with empty seats), back to Philly on Saturday (full plane but still on time), then off to Indianapolis on Sunday (full plane, several hours delayed, no beverage service and the unnerving realization that one is willingly going to Indiana) and then finally back to Philly today. It is not a surprise that given all of this travelling and the fact that I hung around with my eight nieces and nephews that I am now dealing with a seriously nasty head cold. This happens after every Thanksgiving. I should just immediately write off the next week because I know that I will have a cold. Too many people on planes with no fresh air.

Switching gears, since I was stuck in a hotel this morning I ended up watching the morning news. Apparently Brittney Spears’ birthday is an official news event as it was covered on every channel I turned to. I know that she has a new album and all, and that there is always a measurable probability that she will spontaneously combust, but I’m really at a loss as to how this counts as news. Sure, she performed in a circus tent in New York (no word on whether she was a) shot from a cannon, b) performed on a trapeze, or c) had to do that bit with the spinning plates that they always gave the least talented person on Circus of the Stars) but I really don’t think we need to cover it. There is a slight chance that if we stopped paying attention she would go away.

(Plus, unless My Beloved Lindsay gets equal time I must protest on general principle.)

Changing gears once again: Did they turn the lights on again in Kansas City? Just want to make sure that was done in my absence. Actually, in my five years in Kansas City I never saw the Plaza lighting or went to the St. Patrick’s Day parade. The first was because I always went home for Thanksgiving and the latter was because, well, I lived closer to bars than the parade route so I never quite made it there.

This brings me back to the start of the post. How long it takes me to feel at home. As much as I knew from the start that Kansas City was just a stopping point it did turn into home for me near the end. I do find myself missing things, or at least the convenience the town had. I certainly miss the bars, which really matched my style, and the music scene. I fit in pretty well there. It wasn’t a perfect fit but maybe I give it a little too much grief than I should.

Best of 120 Minutes: Since I didn’t post on Sunday I thought that I would make it up here. Consider it more of your Alternative Nation moment for the day. In honor of the election cycle here is everyone’s favorite socialist Billy Bragg. Watch for the cameos by Michael Stipe and Peter Buck of R.E.M. and, if I remember correctly, the house is Bill Berry’s. So this is really an R.E.M. video without the guy with the glasses.

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