Monday, February 07, 2005

Valentine's Day Contest...

Ok faithful reader(s), Valentine's Day is only a week away. And you know what that means. Yes, one full week of my complaining about how Valentine's Day is just another Hallmark holiday (like Sweetest Day and Christmas) and it's just a ploy to make people spend lot of money in order to appear falsely romantic. And to put people who have no significant other in their life in such a mental state that it makes you want to throw a chair through a window just to hear the sound that it would make when it hits the ground. As you can see, I have experience with the latter.

So, I'm trying to figure out what to do for Valentine's Day. I mean, I could perform my yearly ritual of listening to Smiths CDs in the dark all night culminating in my punching my hand through a mirror in a misguided attempt to feel that doing so might somehow prove something but you'll have to admit, the act is getting a bit old. But the thing is, I have no idea what to do or how to move from being a self-professed cynical bastard to a guy who would gladly spend money in order to appear falsely romantic.

That's where my faithful reader(s) come in. I'm taking suggestions for what to do for Valentine's Day and how to best meet people. All ideas will be taken seriously. Best one will be accomplished by me, come hell or high water. Ones that are funny will also be accomplished if only to make a great blog posting. (This explains why I'm about to sign up for the It's Just Lunch service. I'll either a) meet someone interesting or b) have such a farcical disaster of an experience that it will make the best blog posting ever). So fire ideas through comments or emails or phone calls or whatever. Let's see what creativity lies on the other side of the internet.

Oh, and some great quotes from the Lyle Lovett concert on Friday.

Lyle: "One thing I like about Kansas City is that I always feel safe here. You just couldn't be any more surrounded by the rest of the country than you are here. Someone would have to go a very long way to mess with you."

Lyle: "The other thing about this town is that you can unashamedly eat as much meat as you possibly can."

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