Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Quick concert notes...

Some very quick comments from the Ani Difranco show tonight...

  • I'd put the crowd at 80-90 percent women. In terms of number of guys who weren't there with their significant other I would venture that I was one of maybe three.
  • Yes, I would still definitely state to a large portion of the crowd I epitomize the enemy. Or to put it another way, I represent the machine that people are raging against.
  • The good news is that it seems like the dreadlock craze is finally at an end. Sadly, the pierced lip look is still in full effect. I really don't know how this is supposed to look good.
  • Opening act was fellow Chicagoan and longtime friend of Bloodshot Records Andrew Bird. He pulled off an impressive Howie Day style "loop the hell out of everything set" featuring violin, guitar and xylophone. Possibly marking the first time that a xylophone had ever been looped in a concert. I'll give him credit, he was doing a lot of cool stuff with the loops, especially with the violin parts.
  • Of course, half the crowd wasn't getting him at all and was talking during the set. I also seemed to be in the drinking section of the crowd, as I had more beer spilled on me at this show than I did at Social Distortion.
  • For those who know me, which is less expected: that I attend a show that features a mosh pit or that I go to a show where the phrase "Viva la Vulva" is mentioned from the stage?
  • It was a fun crowd, as I joked with a couple of people around me who I think were wondering just what in the world I was doing there. They also joked with me about always letting everyone stand in front of me. First of all, what was I to do, elbow the nineteen year old girl to the ground? I was like a foot taller than the rest of the crowd, I think I could happily stand in the back.
  • Of course, it is more a matter of desire to experience the full concert effect. I was more than happy to sit back and observe tonight. As opposed to Jay Farrar where I would have knocked people to the ground to be in front of the stage.
  • Ani's set was good and interesting. It still might not be music for everyone but I certainly enjoy it. She can definitely write, you can't take that away from her.

Ok, time to get ready for work. I'll add some more notes tomorrow.

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