Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Mad Dog and Glory

Since it is February 2, I had to spend the night watching the Bill Murray classic “What About Bob?”….

(Ok, at least I think that joke is funny. Admittedly, it doesn’t take much to make me laugh at times.)

So, the rodent saw its shadow so we are going to have six more weeks of winter. You know, I think I have read an explanation as to the logic behind that since if it is sunny out that typically means winter storms are coming and the ground is colder or some mumbo jumbo like that. Of course, I was treated to live coverage of the events in Pennsylvania on my morning news. I wouldn’t mind being one of the old guys in a tux and an overcoat who gets to stand on stage once a year and mumble some official words while everyone else is drunk off their ass. Just a great example of how we need very little of an excuse to celebrate.

(That said, I’m happy that my morning news was showing that as opposed to discussing the debate that is going on in Kansas about whether to teach evolution and creationism in school. I mean, Clarence Darrow’s ghost (which hangs around the Field Museum in Chicago) must go nuts every time it hears about something like this. I mean, wow, I guess this is what the red states are really like.)

Sorry I don’t have anything fun to say about the State of the Union address tonight since I kind of didn’t watch it. I just couldn’t bring myself to listen to W talk about his plans for his second and third terms. It’s like there is enough going on in my life to be upset about and watching a speech that will piss me off with every other sentence probably is not a good thing right now. Plus, Duke-Wake Forest is on and that trumps the leader of the free world. Of course, Duke is losing as I write this so maybe it just isn’t my night.

One last note, based on the CD I listened to today. If you have never heard any of Cat Power’s music, you should really try to listen to one of her CDs. I’m not saying buy it, since it is definitely not for everyone but it is worth listening. Think of it as Beth Orton without the electornica backings and a bit more low key and slightly more depressing. Ok, I’m not sure if anything I just wrote would be considered good things but You are Free is a really good album. Very well written songs and lots of hidden meaning. Lots of lines that strike you when you are driving home from work late at night. Check it out.

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