Thursday, October 16, 2008

Joe the Plumber: Threat or Menace?

More than a few notes to end the week and I’ve just been in a list kind of mood.

1) In shocking news, I read today that Joe the Plumber is not a licensed plumber. So in fact he has been operating as some sort of black market criminal; unclogging toilets and installing drains in full violation of existing codes. This might put a crimp on his business plans but he still could rely on the slogan “Joe the Plumber: Because the fate of the nation rests in his greasy hands.”

2) Can I just say how upset I still am on the whole Joe the Plumber thing? Really this is the symbol of just how horribly the democratic system in America has fallen. We have gone from the Jeffersonian ideal of candidates discussing wide ranging issues impacting the future of the nation to two people sniping at each other as to how their policies will effect one person who, because his name is incorrectly filled out on his voter registration card, might not actually be eligible to vote. But this might have been part of McCain’s plan of winning the election one voter at a time.

3) Switching gears, Leanne won Project Runway!!!! Finally, my favorite contestant won a season of the show. True, Christian was the best designer last year but I just liked Chris Marsh better. Leanne was not only super cute in a Pacific Northwest granola type of way but she also put together a great collection. True, all of the pieces had the same waves and structural patterns in them but they were all different and cohesive. Even better, while you knew that there was an insane amount of work behind them they all seemed so natural and you could imagine a real person wearing the outfits. As opposed to Kenley’s massive shoulderpad designs.

4) There was only one thing that could have made the ending of the show better. After they announced Leanne the winner I would have loved it if she immediately turned around to Kenley and yelled “Scoreboard bitch!” That would have been an ending.

5) In retrospect, there is only one other note that I would like to make to the debate live blog. During the abortion portion of the debate I would have immediately pledged my vote to either candidate if he would have pledged “Abortions for some, small American flags for others.” Ah, I remember Emperor Kang. Now there was a leader you could trust.

6) Here is the strange thing about living in Wilmington, Delaware. When you write out a check to pay your credit card bill you suddenly realize that you are literally mailing it down the street. I feel like I should just stop by and pay them in cash or something. Well, that is not the only strange thing about living in Wilmington. Waking up every morning, realizing that you are in Delaware and struggling with exactly why you are there is also a bit of a disconcerting experience.

7) Best idea for a Halloween costume I have heard yet: a flip cup game. Just wear a table around your neck, place some plastic cups on the table, and challenge all comers to a game. I’ll probably just grab my backpack and put on my matching red and white striped shirt and hat and go as Waldo again.

8) I’d like to wish a happy Sweetest Day to my….to my….ok, applications for the position of Sweetie are available upon request. Please form an orderly queue. Seriously, I’m very close to creating a profile just because I think it would be funny.


Anonymous said...

Think very carefully about your profile. You'll want to include more blacking out drunk stories while watching football for 14 straight hours and a little less heckling strategies for the Project Runway winner. I had to laugh at the Pick-Up Artist reference (and handy visual). Its excellence in reality television is second only to Bret Michaels wooing carefully selected strippers in Rock of Love. I wonder why most of the world thinks that Americans are stupid and uninformed about global issues? Seriously, I think one of Bret's girlfriends was from Canada. Doesn't that make him an international playboy?

Lauren said...

Just as long as it wasn't Kenley. Does anyone else love the fact that her parting words were, "That's bull****." If last season's catchphrase was, "Fierce!" Then this season's is, "That's bull****."

Anonymous said...

So I was watching football on CBS and was wondering where I heard a certain song used in the commerical/promo spot. It was 'Every Day Is Like Sunday' by Morrisey.