Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Fast Food Nation-State

Editor’s note: As some of the more observant of you may have noticed there is a new box under my profile in which you can join my blog network. This is for the members of Facebook nation (though click on it even if you aren’t because I’m not sure what happens) as you can become part of the Battling the Current network and receive a blog feed through Facebook. There is also theoretically a way that if you have a Blogger account that you can become my Follower. In either case all I can say is “Follow me! Follow me to freedom!” Or just consider this your official membership in my personality cult.

So I have spent the past several days analyzing the fast food options on my 35 minute commute to the office. The findings are rather astounding. Here they are, organized by chain.

McDonald’s: None. Ok, that is not technically true. On the way home I noticed that if I drove the wrong way down a one way street for several blocks I would reach one. And while the draw of a Filet-o-Fish is very strong that is probably too much of a challenge to reach on a regular basis. However, I would like to give ample warning to the people on the sidewalk that during Shamrock Shake season they better watch out.

Burger King: A half a King. There is one but it is connected to a gas station. For some reason I always feel very wary about any fast food joint that is directly tied to a gas station. I always assume that these sites have much lower quality than the standard restaurant. That seems completely ludicrous given the fact that the place is going to clog my arteries either way.

Wendy’s: One. An actual, honest to goodness, stand alone restaurant. However, since I have never been a big Wendy’s fan this isn’t actually that big of a benefit. Sure, the spicy chicken sandwich is an obvious winner but the fries are subpar and who in their right mind would order a baked potato?

Subway: One but it is hidden. They have a sign out (next to an abandoned gas station and in front of a Wal-Mart) but the store itself is way in the back of this strip mall. However, I am more than happy to have one within a close drive of my office. There is nothing better than a five dollar foot long when facing a late night in the office.

KenTacoHut: None, in either the original format or the combined Voltronesque conglomerate. I’m a little saddened that there isn’t one nearby. There is something immensely satisfying in realizing that one can make chicken, pizza or tacos from the same kitchen using the same ingredients and equipment. It’s the fast food equivalent of the Apollo program.

Boston Market: One. Maybe not officially fast food but it is not as though I would sit down there to eat. Amazing that this is there but not any of the other alternatives.

Nathan’s Famous: One. This intrigues me and at some point I will have to stop in. It is a hot dog stand and as a hot dog aficionado I feel that it is my duty to check the place out. But it is a place for New York style hot dogs so I am immediately apprehensive. It’s New York; how would they know how to make a hot dog? My only other hot dog option is this place called Johnnie’s Dog House which, based on the one at the airport, offers all the different regional styles. That is even worse. That just means they do all of them poorly.

Dunkin Donuts: Two. There is hope for this place yet.

Tomorrow night: Vice Presidential debate live blog! Podiums! Moderators! A candidate who uses the word Aboot! Should be interesting to say the least.

Wednesday Night Music Club: If it is fall that can only mean one thing. Hockey season! Here is one of my personal faves, Kathleen Edwards, with the best hockey video ever made.

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