Friday, October 03, 2008

80's Weekend Rewind #7

Tonight on your 80's weekend rewind I bring you back to a nine year old boy's favorite video: The Tubes "She's a Beauty". For a nine year old this is like Nirvana. It is a strip club and a roller coaster all in one!

(Seriously, I always thought that this is what strip clubs would be like when I was a kid. Oh how disappointed I was when I found out that there was neither mermaids nor girls on trapeezes.)

For the life of me I can't explain exactly what this video is about. So we have a kid who is going on a carnival ride. But the safety system is a dominatrix, which would make Disneyland a much more interesting place. The band is playing and all acting like idiots when the camera is nearby. Then there are the strippers slash acrobats.

We then segue into a little girl performing in a ballet outfit, which seems wrong on so many levels given everything else that is going on in the video. Especially given that after seeing her they run into a tower of amps (though given the musical quality of The Tubes that might be agood thing) where we are joined by the women in cages followed by the mermaid (regular, not inverse for those wondering). By the time we reach the end the kid is now an old man.

Sometimes I wonder why I'm as screwed up as I am. Then I remember that I watched stuff like this every day for my entire childhood.

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