Monday, October 06, 2008

Yes, I have a question...

Given that Tuesday’s debate is going to be a Town Hall format in which the audience members will be allowed to pose questions to the candidates I feel that it is my civic duty to provide the people of Nashville with a base set of questions to have at the ready tomorrow evening. Please feel free to use any of these (though please reference Battling the Current and kcgatsby in the process)

· Given the current economic crisis at what point do you believe that we should begin to resort to cannibalism and if so, which senator do you feel should be the first to go in the pot?
· Based on what we have learned from the robots sent back in time to kill John Connor do you still support funding Skynet?
· For the greater good, would you use your power as president to force MTV to start playing music videos again?
· If hypothetically you were named Emperor as a result of the ongoing conflict with the Trade Federation would you use this as an opportunity to enact Order 66?
· Follow up question: When can we expect Wookie Life Day to be named a federal holiday?
· With all of our focus on terrorism centered around Al Qaeda aren’t we missing the more obvious home-grown terror threat posed by Cobra especially given their recent recruitment of Dr. Mindbender?
· How in God’s name does Vanderbilt have a better football team than Tennessee? I mean, what the hell?
· What would you do for a Klondike bar?
· Senator McCain, did you know who Governor Palin was when you chose her as your running mate or were you simply picking names out of a hat at that point?
· Do you believe that we could solve all of our existing foreign policy issues simply by naming Chuck Norris Secretary of Defense?
· Based on the current state of the country, would you agree with issuing a proclamation stating that everyone gets one week off in order to get their shit together?
· In an all out battle to the death who would in a conflict between the Smurfs and the Snorks?
· What was your favorite cartoon as a child? (I think I would actually want to know this.)
· If as president you were allowed to bring back one television show which one would it be?
· If I promised to vote for you only if the national anthem was changed to “Baby Got Back” would you do it?
· Given the high price of gasoline, will you finally remove the roadblocks keeping Mattel from releasing the hoverboards promised to us in Back to the Future Part Two?
· Do either of you truly believe that this debate is worth pre-empting The Biggest Loser?
· Can I get extra credit for watching the debate as well?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A couple more for you...
1) Favorite childhood book?
2) What rapper caused you to fall in love with Hip Hop?
3) If you had to pick, what show would you rather star in? Starsky and Hutch or Dukes of Hazzard?
4) Who freaked you out more as a kid - the Kool-Aid Man or Captain Kangaroo?
5) Madlibs or Mad Magazine?
and finally..
5) How many licks to the center of a tootsie roll pop...if you don't know can I get earmark funding to reserach and finally resolve this critical issue of pop culture?