Wednesday, August 06, 2008

They better not dare mess with the eviction ceremony

First off, I would like to express my utmost disgust and dismay at my local CBS affiliate for their actions last night. It was bad enough that they shrunk the screen to show election results but they even cut into a broadcast to discuss the primary. Not any broadcast mind you but Big Brother right when the entire house was in a massive argument. What they couldn’t be bothered to wait for a commercial break? Did they really need to tell me what the numbers were with 1% of the polls reporting? It was a freaking August primary. The power of veto competition is way more important than that.

Today was a nice day. Having made my decision has helped to reduce a lot of the stress that I’ve been under for the past few weeks. It’s tough for me to explain but I’ve been waking up every day with a headache that was not alcohol related. I didn’t have an appetite and was probably not drinking enough water given the heat wave that we were under. That is just the way I tend to deal with stress. Lots of people eat when they are nervous; I stop eating. I also tend to lie in bed until the last possible moment. Today I was actually out doing things and laughing and smiling, which is a welcome change.

For those who are already wondering I will be keeping this blog going at the same URL. First off I have to keep blogging because I will have more interesting stories in the next few months than I have had in a long time. Moving to a new part of the country with all of its inherent idiosyncrasies will just be a field day for me. I still won’t write about work (and I’m kind of wondering when I will tell people about the blog) but life should give me a lot of mew topics to explore.

I will be keeping the kcgatsby domain and monitor for a few reasons. First is that after four years I probably have built up a small following who would be upset if I changed the location of the page. But mainly I like the image behind KC Gatsby. I really do try to model myself after Jay Gatsby. Suave and debonair but tied to his past and unable to gain true acceptance in this world. (I’ll ignore the whole part about being shot by a jealous husband. Let’s just say that I avoid swimming pools for that reason.) But being Gatsby in KC doesn’t make sense and neither do I. I’m just a mass of inconsistencies so why not have a name that echoes it. Plus, I have more than my fair share of Daisies in this world.

Wednesday Night Music Club: I’m not sure why but I just really feel like posting some Rufus Wainwright tonight. This is from the Want One album, which is high on the list of incredible discs that you don’t own. There is such an orchestral and dramatic feel to all of his music that I dig. It is musical in the right sense of that term. Plus this song is about the unknown and confusion and it just seems to fit with the way that I’ve been feeling the past few days.

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