Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Early mornings ahead

As my first day of work quickly approaches one major thought crosses my mind: how in the world am I going to switch to being a morning person? This is a rather non-trivial question. Remember that I have not worked for five months now and given that I handed in my notice of accepting the separation package in January it has been more like eight months since I had a definite care about my work performance. You can't fire someone who is quitting. So, waking up in the morning hasn't been a big concern for me for pretty much all of 2008.

That is going to have to change and change quickly. Partly this is due to the need to make a good first impression. I need to show myself as the good employee and hard worker that I am. That is not really a problem. I also will have the benefit of a whole new office and new challenges so at least getting up in the morning should not be that large of a challenge. But still it is going to be a major change of pace for me. No more staying up to one in the morning every night. Now I will need to be in bed by a reasonable hour and be in the office bright and chipper in the morning.

It's going to be a massive change, that is for sure. There will probably be a few groggy afternoons in the mix (especially due to the relocation nightmare that I am currently enduring and will rant about in detail at a later date) but I expect to get up to speed rather quickly. It's just that I am already thinking that the rest of this year is going to turn out to be a complete blur. By the time I find myself settled in the year will be over. And this has been a great year for me and I just don't want it to be over just yet.

More stories tomorrow. I'm off to watch the convention.

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