Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Signal to noise...

1) For those of you who are extremely curious: It took me 25 minutes to drive from my apartment to company property and then an additional 7 minutes to get to a parking spot. I have a feeling that there is going to be little variation in the first number but a great deal of variation in the second. Is it bad that a significant portion of my commute involves finding a parking space?

2) Note to readers of my monthly report: I try not to spread unsubstantiated rumors. Really, that is not my goal. Especially when said rumor will result in a great deal of psychological harm. I know that when I heard that the Backer might be closing I immediately called my therapist to see how I should cope. I don’t want to see the place go away. Hell, I’m raising money for a memorial plaque to be placed in the parking lot on the exact spot of what Super Dave called “The highlight of my two years of business school and it had nothing to do with me.” As Erik told me this weekend, I need to bring my kids to the place and explain to them just what happened because they just will never believe me. So, I hope that it is false but if ND is looking to buy a property I just don’t see us putting together a competitive bid.

3) Odd choice of music for a commercial: Coldplay being used in the World Trade Center movie trailer. I’m kind of mixed on artists selling their music for commercials. On one hand, I understand that you need to make your money any way that you can and if you can get noticed by a commercial, so be it. I mean, I know that more people heard Richard Buckner in that Volkswagen commercial (even though they probably had no clue who it was) than ever bought his disc. On the other hand, it really changes your view of a song. I don’t know if I want to connect Coldplay with the World Trade Center. I wouldn’t want to link it to Snakes on a Plane, either. I’d just like it to be a song.

4) Sox beat the Royals in extra innings. I don’t really have anything to add here, I just wanted to put it in print.

5) Though I have to say that the Royals recent promotion of having one of the last surviving munchkins throw out the first pitch does have a stroke of genius related to it. Because I know when I think of major league baseball, I think of the Lollipop Guild. Sure, it doesn’t rank up there with handing out t-shirts that say Ketchup on them but then again I don’t think you could ever come up with something that brilliant again.

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