First things before we get to the list. I want to wish a very hearty welcome to Jillian, the latest member of the extended Battling the Current Family. She and her mom Jen are still in the hospital for observation but everything looks to be ok right now. (If you could keep them in your prayers I would really appreciate it.) Oh and Jillian, just remember that I am your favorite uncle.
Anyway, time to close out the week with a couple of notes…
1) The above pictures are from tonight’s Royals game as I ended up, well, I basically ended up on the field. As a White Sox fan I really shouldn’t show these pictures because by law I am not allowed to get this close to a Royals first base coach. (Though that is what you get for trying to coach first base in our house.) Anyway, one picture is of David Ortiz on first base and the other is of the scoreboard after the Royals completed their sweep of the Red Sox. Yes, you read that correctly. I know that I give the Royals a lot of crap (and based on their record, deservedly so) but they pulled out another come from behind win on a team that is better and more experienced. It was a fun night at the ballpark all around.
2) For those reading this who know my travel schedule in the coming weeks I just want to state that yes, I am officially freaked out by today’s big story. I’m not typically at ease when I fly but knowing what may have been planned has my anxiety level at an all time high. I mean, I’ve risked a lot for my career in the past decade. I’ve stood next to signs that read “Danger: Contaminated Area”, I’ve been in rooms where if a siren went off I had one minute to get out before they sprayed CarDox and removed the oxygen, and I even lived in Kansas for a time. But this one really has me concerned.
3) Just a general comment. I’ve never left Royals stadium having a clue of what direction I was heading in and how to get to the expressway. It doesn’t help that I think that I take a different route every time. I think I ended up in Columbia this time around. I never quite understand why my default in those situations is to simply follow the guy in front of me in the belief that he knows where he is going. Odds are, he doesn’t live in my apartment building.
4) Ever notice how some cars have stickers showing the kids baseball or football team with their name and number? Well, while driving today I saw one for little Juston. Maybe it is the last name, maybe it is the first name with a really bizarre spelling. It’s reached a point now that you really can’t tell. Other than the fact that the Oklahoma Sooners license plate holder would tend to indicate the latter.
5) Oh and Rosemary, you are right. I need to play Thomas at linebacker. I simply have to put my best athletes on the field even if that means playing them out of position. Now I just need to figure out if that advice was for the videogame or not…
Have a good weekend everyone.
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