Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Still searching for a coherent thought

Very random thoughts…

1) In what is probably the best news that I’ve heard all year, both Katie Holmes and Shannon Elizabeth are back on the market. I’m leaning towards Katie here and if you’ve seen the film The Gift, you’ll understand why.
2) Probably the most amazing fact is that Shannon Elizabeth is my age. Which means she was playing a high school student while in her late twenties. There is some Faustian bargain going on there that really needs to be examined. But I’ll have to admit, she looks really good for her age. I doubt any of my classmates look like that. I sure don’t look that good.
3) In looking at the concert listings I can get tickets for the Dave Matthews Tribute Band. Not the Dave Matthews Band but an incredibly lifelike simulation. And this show is at one of the biggest clubs in town. They are playing at a venue that is bigger than the one where I saw Social Distortion, Big Head Todd and the Monsters and Ani Difranco. While I will usually claim that there is a decent music scene in this town it’s at times like this that I really begin to think that the people here are insane.
4) We’ve got the Big 12 tournament in town this week so I’ve been seeing all the bars put up banners inviting fans of various schools. Not like they are using big words or anything, this is the Big 12 after all. The funnier thing is that they have put out this big LCD board in Westport that I can see from my dining room. I’m having dinner and out of the corner of my eye I see, “Welcome to Kansas City”, “March Madness” and random Big 12 logos. It’s tough to concentrate on eating when all you see is the Texas Tech logo.
5) I really think that there should be definite rules as to what can be on the communal television set in a workout room. For a long time the regular crew that is there when I work out had agreed that the only thing that could be shown was either Friends, Seinfeld, or a major sporting event (ESPN only, no curling championships on ESPN2). Apparently everyone has forgotten the rules. Today I worked out to Everybody Loves Raymond. Not exactly the most inspiring show in the world. Definitely doesn’t make time go faster. Still not the worst thing that I’ve been forced to watch, which was Oprah After the Show on the Oxygen network. If you ever want a forty minute workout to seem like it lasted for three days watch that show.
6) For the music fans out there, check out the Wakarusa line up (Wakarusa is a music festival held in Lawrence in June). Wilco, Son Volt, North Mississippi All Stars, Little Feat, Old Crow Medicine Show, my hopefully future wife Neko Case and many more. Yes, Wilco and Son Volt on the same bill. This might be the first chance in a long time for even the possibility of an Uncle Tupelo reunion. If you find yourself in Kansas, it might not be a bad option to end up at the show.

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