Thursday, February 19, 2009

A smattering of random thoughts

Yes, my Illini lost to Penn State last night by a score of 38 to 33. In basketball. I can accept Illinois losing to Penn State by that score in football but in basketball? First of all, since when does Penn State even play basketball? Does Joe Pa teach the players the two handed set shot? But my god, how can you not score more than 33 points when you are playing at home? Unless the entire team was drunk I would consider this the worst loss in Illinois history (except for every single time we lost to Northwestern in any sport.)

One odd travel story from this week: When given a list of places to switch planes do not choose Orlando the day after a three day weekend. That is unless you want to spend the entire flight surrounded by a gaggle of small children, many of whom either have their faces painted or are wearing a princess costume, who will spend the entire flight talking at as loud a volume as they possibly can. There is not a volume level on my Zune that is loud enough to cover up the noise of such an amped up crew. It is not that I dislike children, it is just that I prefer dealing with them only when they are somehow related to me and we are not locked into a confined space.

Oh and on my way down to New Orleans I got to spend a few hours in the Nashville airport, which is quite an experience. It is very much a y’all type of place. The best part of the airport was the country music stars who recorded announcements. So you have the guy from Big and Rich (who may be either big or rich, I can never tell) informing you that you are no longer allowed to smoke inside the terminal building.

The best was the guy from Diamond Rio who informed me that all animals, except for service animals, must be locked up inside the terminal. That doesn’t sound funny on the surface but given a lack of sleep and a southern accent “service animals” sounds surprisingly like “circus animals”. I swear the first time I heard it I thought he said circus animals. I suddenly had visions of tigers wandering down the concourse followed by a guy wearing a sequined jacket. And to be honest, that wouldn’t have been the weirdest site I saw all weekend.

That is about it for tonight. I am just dead tired and I am so looking forward to this weekend just so I can catch up on sleep and relax. When I got back from the airport I honestly couldn’t remember the last time I had spent more than a few days in my apartment. These past few weeks have just left me physically, mentally and emotionally drained. Things are good, though, don’t worry about that. I just need to turn my brain off for a little while. Sunday night will be the Oscar Live Blog. Dresses! Slumdogs! Vague questions about the merits of cinematography! See you then.

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