Tuesday, February 17, 2009

We apologize for the inconvenience...

And I’m back…

Ok, I know I owe a bit of an explanation here. I’ve been on vacation the past few days. As is usually the case when I need to reset myself and contemplate what my future will hold I made my way to New Orleans. Because there are certain things in life that can only be comprehended over a good bowl of gumbo. I decided to log off, not check my email, rest the blog, and just be in the moment for once in my life.

It’s strange at how unusual it is for me to completely log off from the universe. I’ll admit to checking Facebook on my phone but from Friday until today that was all I did. For someone who is so wired in, who spends most of his time connected to a computer, to just spend the day walking around a city, looking at artwork and enjoying himself is a really amazing experience. I wasn’t concerned about numbers or spam emails or how many hits my blog got yesterday. I just wanted to be outside, relax and be happy.

(Interesting note on the comment about how people appreciate my posts when they are upbeat and positive. Those posts are incredibly difficult for me to write. One reason is that I just am funnier as a curmudgeon. I can make great jokes about how horrible the world is, how stupid other people are and how pathetic a loser I am in about two seconds. Those posts are incredibly easy to write. But having to write about being happy? I don’t really have the vocabulary for it.

The other reason is this. I am superstitious to the point of paralyzing fear. There is a part of my brain that is convinced that if I talk about how I am happy, that if I reveal the reason why I am happy, expound on how I expect this happiness to continue on into the future, that the happiness will then cease to be and I will be thrust back into my sad, curmudgeonly existence. This makes life rather challenging, especially given that it explains why I never seem to let myself be happy.)

I’ll probably tell some of the stories over the next few days (the Krewe of Barkus and Valentine the Dog both deserve their day in the sun). Right now I just want to unpack, relax and get ready for work tomorrow. Because I can’t avoid the real world forever.

And Valentine’s Day? Let’s just say that it is one I will never forget. And as a result I really hope to have to learn how to write upbeat and happy posts for a long time to come.

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