Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I'll be cowering under my blanket if you need me

Ok, remind me not to write about the economy again. Apparently my blog is read by the leading financial minds because even my implying that the economy may be weaker than previously believed resulted in a significant drop today. I apologize to those who suffered a reduction in their finances over my statements. Life is difficult when your very statements are able to influence the future.

(On the off chance that this blog really does have the ability to influence the world I would like to state that if Julie Delpy would happen to take the next plane to the states and stop by my apartment declaring her undying love for me I am extremely confident that there will be a speedy recovery to the world economy. Just, you know, in case people want to help me control the universe or anything.)

I know that the nation is going through a tough time but I would like to make a simple request to the media: can we please stop talking about the plane landing in the river? It was a great story and yes the crew can be considered heroes but this happened a few weeks ago. Do we still need to be broadcasting interviews with the crew? If we do can we at least ask why they didn’t avoid the birds? Or ask how they feel about recklessly killing innocent animals? It just isn’t a news story any more.

Of course, we do have the story about the woman who had eight children who already had six in an effort to, uh, get a show on TLC? If she was a vertically challenged home decorator she could probably account for the entire TLC programming schedule. (Sigh. I miss when TLC actually had shows about science. Or at least Junkyard Wars.) Now I tend to be pretty open minded when it comes to what people do with their bodies and how they choose to reproduce. True, I sometimes wish that it isn’t more difficult to get a driver’s license than to bring another human being into this world but I let people make up their own minds. But if you are a single mom with six kids how can you bring yourself to sign up for in vitro fertilization? Even if she just wanted twins the question of how are you going to support them has to come to the forefront. You start to wonder if she did this just so she could have her fifteen minutes of fame. I can understand people making fun of themselves on American Idol for that very purpose. All they are putting on the line is their ego. They aren’t risking the lives of innocent people who had no choice in the matter.

Oh but don’t worry everybody. CERN is prepping to restart the Large Hadron Collider in September. You know, the one where if the experiment succeeds there is a slight possibility that the entire universe will implode? Yep, that one. So, smoke ‘em if you got ‘em.

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