Monday, February 02, 2009

Super Bowl Roundup

Some other notes from the Super Bowl and the sporting world over the weekend.

1) I sadly did was not on one of the cable systems that received free porn from Comcast during the fourth quarter of the game last night. As a Comcast subscriber I find it rather disappointing that this was not a universal feature of their Super Bowl coverage. Given that I typically do not receive the channels that I actually purchase and have to deal with an on screen channel guide that states that the show I am currently watching is called “To Be Announced” I feel that at the very least I deserve some free porn now and again.

2) I can’t agree with the Super Bowl being the best ever. It may have had the best second half of the fourth quarter in Super Bowl history but the entire game would not rank as one of the best ever. The first half was rather boring, way too many penalties, and let’s face it, Pittsburgh should have blown this one away. It was a hell of a game to watch but just not the best ever. (I mean, compare this to the Chargers – Dolphins playoff game that is universally referred to as the greatest game of all time. That was a game full of highlights and reversals of fortune.)

3) For those of you wishing to own your own Arizona Cardinals Super Bowl Champions t-shirt I recommend traveling to your favorite third world country over the next few weeks. I am not making this up. As you know immediately after the game the players are all given the commemorative t-shirt which makes you wonder what would happen if the other team won. Well, they print up two versions of all the merchandise and the losing teams gear is given to charity. So this means that in some remote village at the edge of civilization we have an entire culture that is convinced that the Buffalo Bills are the greatest franchise of all time.

4) I guess the only commercials of note that I did not comment on are the annual ones. I’m sorry but every time I watch those all I can think about is how bad of an agent that Danica Patrick has. Here is a beautiful, articulate woman who happens to be a race car driver so the best promotional vehicle for her that they can come up with is by placing her in bad T and A ads that just remove everything that makes her an interesting personality. Also, I’m still not quite sure the connection between scantily clad women and internet domain registration is. Between scantily clad women and the internet, yes I get the relationship, but I doubt that most people who list their occupation as “dancer” can help you with your DNS settings.

5) In the other big sports news of the weekend Michael Phelps was caught smoking pot. My response: wait, didn’t the Olympics end months ago? I thought that I didn’t have to care about Michael Phelps any more. I think this will turn out to be more interesting for how much of a non-story this will become. A lot of people will view that as an indication that the country has turned a more lax eye to marijuana. I mean, this is an Olympic hero who was caught with a bong in hand and you would have to expect this to greatly tarnish his squeaky clean reputation. Except for the fact that for the most part the Olympics have completely vanished from peoples’ minds and no one cares about a guy who we paid attention to because he was better than everyone else at not drowning. We don’t care about Aquaman so why should we care about Michael Phelps?

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