Monday, February 25, 2008

Oscar wrap up

Since it’s my blog and I can do whatever the hell I want to do with it I’ve posted Glen and Marketa’s acceptance speeches. A lot of critics considered this the best moment of the Oscars. It wasn’t preorchestrated; it was a genuine instinct of Jon Stewart’s to bring Marketa back on stage and then she gives a rather wonderful little speech. It was the most memorable moment of what was a rather blah night.

I was trying to figure out first of all why the show went quicker than normal. I realized they didn’t show a single clip from the Best Picture nominees. Typically they show a minute clip from each one throughout the show along with an introduction. We also were lacking in production numbers (other than best song). No appearances from Cirque du Soleil or Stomp or Blue Man Group this year. That saved a lot of time.

Still it was the night of montages instead. From what I read since the writer’s strike ended so recently they didn’t have time to create much of a show so they relied on what was the backup plan: all montages all the time. I assume that is why I got to see Price Waterhouse Coopers offices. It did make for a rather boring ceremony. Stewart did his best but there really wasn’t much to work with this year.

As for best dressed I’m going to have to go with Amy Adams. I might be the only person to do this and I’m not sure why. It’s just that if you ask me what I remember besides best song it is that I realized how beautiful Amy Adams is. Plus, she wore green and no one else did. If I have to see another red dress again I am going to be very angry. I don’t really even have a worst dressed as no one came close to Kirsten Dunst’s schoolboy collar of last year. Even I considered that to be a bad idea.

Not much else to report today. Spent time in the office working on spreadsheets. I did listen to Marshall Crenshaw on the way to work. For the record, I look almost exactly like Marshall Crenshaw. That doesn’t say much for my hopes of a music career as the best I can hope for is looking like a guy who was able to play Buddy Holly in a movie once. But he plays nice pop songs so it was still fun to listen to during my commute.

Big news is that I have my first interview tomorrow as I try to figure out the next step my life is going to take. I’m still not sure if I’m qualified for this position or not. According to the job posting I have everything they are looking for and I’m a perfect match. However, that assumes that job postings properly represent what is required for a job and we know that is not always the case. It will be interesting that’s for sure. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

Foodie said...

Did you see Once? It is great! And the soundtrack is awesome. Good luck tomorrow. Enjoy.