Thursday, February 07, 2008

Personally, I blame Tom Cruise

I just have to say that I find it bizarrely funny that people ask me at work about the rumor that I applied for the separation package. This after I wrote about it on a public website that gets hits from around the world. Of course, this may also imply that no one actually reads what I write here. I’m just going to ignore that thought for the time being because it is really, really depressing.

(Again, yes I applied. I expect to hear about my status tomorrow. I haven’t officially made a decision but let’s say I’m 90/10 for accepting it. Stranger things have happened though, like the Giants winning the Super Bowl.)

Well, in our celebrity gossip news of the day Kirsten Dunst checked into rehab at Cirque Lodge in Utah. Yes, the same locale My Beloved Lindsay spent her summer. I’d have to say that this one hurts me more since Kirsten actually was on my last perfect mate list, checking in at #5 and beating Gwyneth Paltrow and Beth Orton. So I definitely had a thing for her. Sure, the red hair in Spider-Man had something to do with it but I always found her to be really attractive and she had legitimate talent. I had recently started to hear some tales from my sources about her habits though and a rehab trip isn’t a surprise. Sad, but not a surprise.

Since I’m really struggling for topics here right now I guess I’ll talk about Survivor. First off, I was watching the show only because I’ve taken a night off from trivia. Last night it came down to guessing the state quarter and I won based on my intense studies of what quarter a person may have in his pocket at any point in time. I needed a break after that and thought that watching the first episode of the new season would be a good idea.

This time they have ten fans going against ten favorites from past seasons. Since I’ve kind of fallen out of watching the show I only really knew three of them. Eliza I never really liked and I’m kind of surprised that she is on the show. Amy who is one of my absolute favorite players ever. She ran the game in a rather dictatorial manner and almost won as a result. And of course, Johnny Fairplay who everyone loves to hate.

I thought that this would be Fairplay’s game to lose. If I was playing he is the exact guy I would want around at all times. If you keep him to the finals you are guaranteed to win because no one is willing to grant him a million dollars. Or, whenever you feel the heat is on you you turn on Fairplay with the argument “how can you trust him? He’s the one to get rid of.” He’s a scapegoat and an ally all in one.

Well, Johnny decided to not play the game. His girlfriend is seven months pregnant and he felt better off by being voted out so he wouldn’t have to worry about her. That’s nice and all but it is a bit of a joke. It’s not like he didn’t know she was pregnant when he signed on for the show. Don’t know why this suddenly became an issue. Plus, it makes the show very boring very quickly. And that’s not a good thing.

Weekend’s coming. I’m planning on enjoying it. How I don’t have the vaguest clue.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read something about how party girls going to rehab is out in Hollywood now and the new in thing is clean cut girls. Its about time the media stops glorifying booze, drugs, and clubbing.