Thursday, February 21, 2008

43 Things (Part Two)

For those who are curious, in a typical day my heart beats 80,000 times. It’s rather amazing what you can find out through medical tests. The good news is that all my tests from the cardiologist came back fine so I’ve got a clean bill of health there. Looks like my Klingon genes served me well once again.

Alright, on to the remainder of the 43 things.

22) Buy another Tom Everhart print: For those who have any of the Battling the Current CDs this would be the cover art. (If you don’t have one and would want one let me know. I’ve gained readers recently.) Otherwise, search for this guy and you’ll see that he specializes in these wild paintings of Snoopy and Charlie Brown. I’m lucky enough to know a few dealers and have one print of his but I want one more. This might be my present to myself upon finding my new job.
23) Move to a city that is right for this moment in my life: Kansas City is not the right place for me right now. I am possibly the only 34 year old in this town who is single. I don’t even think this town was right for me five years ago when I moved here in the first place. I’m not going to make that same mistake twice. The next town will be a place where I can be me without any stigmas attached. Maybe Chicago or Seattle or Austin will be more to my liking.
24) Find my Zelda: For those who wonder what the “applications for the role of Zelda” means here it is. I am a F. Scott Fitzgerald fan and I want to find my Zelda. Hopefully not in the “driving me to drink and an early death” sort of way but you get the picture. This used to be where I would say get married but I don’t know if I want to have that big event tied to the goal anymore. I just want to find my Zelda, the woman you always imagined me with.
25) Earn one more degree: Don’t really care what in. English or History are real possibilities in that they wouldn’t be useful at all. I just feel like I have one more degree in me. Plus, after all this time I would like to finally be an English major and see what I missed.
26) Travel to the Boxing Hall of Fame to see the plaque honoring my great-great uncle Jack Root, the first light heavyweight champion of the world: This is absolutely true. He knocked out Kid McCoy for the title (though McCoy was famous for throwing fights and is the source of the quote “Who is the real McCoy?”) Boxing is in my blood even if I don’t look the part.
27) Find a job that inspires me every day and where I leave every night knowing that I have made the world a better place: Very important to me right now. I can’t say that I’ve been inspired by my company or its leadership in the past several years and it has really drained on me. My next position will be in a company that makes me feel as if I am having an impact on people’s lives. Down the line I will work for a non-profit or a school but right now I want a job that will move me towards that mindset.
28) Go to a different restaurant every week for a year: Don’t tell my doctor about this one. I am a horribly picky eater though I’ve improved over the past few years. Somehow though I enjoy watching shows like Iron Chef and Top Chef so I really feel like I need to make an effort to become a foodie. Going to different restaurants and trying different dishes might force me to develop a palate once and for all.
29) Buy a new car: I love my car, a 2001 Grand Am that has been through absolutely everything. But it is a 2001 Pontiac and that has me more than a bit worried about what is around the next corner. Any suggestions on what I should look for (again, after I deal with the whole employment issue) would be welcome.
30) Take time every day to reflect on how blessed I am: I don’t do this nearly enough. All I want is fifteen minutes each day to think about how lucky I am and thank God for my family and friends. It would make a world of difference.
31) Make a serious effort at improving the quality and reach of Battling the Current and Insufficient Monkeys publishing: The quality is improving already though there is still a ways to go. I actually found this blog referenced on a Czech blog so I’m getting better known as well. But I’d still like to garner a bit more of an audience. I’m also serious about forming my own publishing company. If Henry Rollins can do it so can I.
32) See Beth Orton in concert: Easily my favorite performer that I have never had a chance see play live. I’d travel for this opportunity.
33) Attempt an extremely silly world record stunt: One of those that makes absolutely no sense like Longest game of Risk. Do something for charity that is silly but is also a chance at immortality.
34) Attend either the opening or the closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games: Sure, all the Olympics are now is cheering for our pro athletes over their pro athletes but I still like the spectacle of it all. Would be a once in a lifetime event.
35) Order a round of drinks for an entire bar: I still don’t know how I haven’t done this yet. But I think it is the last of my drinking goals that I can accomplish without having doctors seriously question my sanity. (Hence I will no longer attempt to drink a beer from every tap in one night.)
36) Stay in touch with all my friends from Notre Dame for another five years: I am so proud of the fact that nearly five years after graduation I received emails from around the world the past few weeks offering me advice and support on my job situation. The ND community is the most amazing thing I’ve ever been a part of. I want to make sure I stay in touch so the monthly reports will continue.
37) Learn to relax and not be so uptight and aloof all the time: This probably doesn’t fit the SMART goal template but I need to list it anyway. I’m way too tense and never let my guard down and relax. When I’m uncomfortable I find a wall to put my back against and get ready for conflict. I’d like to move away from that part of my personality. And while I’ll always be a little different I think I took it a little too far in my current job.
38) Start to really invest my nest egg: For someone with an MBA I am rather awful at actually investing money. So, in an attempt to at least get my mom to stop yelling at me about this, I should finally put some money into the market.
39) Read all the books on the back of Cliff Notes: I have a copy of Cliff Notes for The Catcher in the Rye from high school where I have consistently checked off every book that I have read for the past twenty years. I want them all to be checked. Thankfully, I’m no longer threatening to do this in alphabetical order.
40) Return my copy of “The Professor and the Madman” to its rightful owner: I’ve had it for four years now so I think it has crossed the line from borrowing to outright theft. In response I would like to say that she has had my copy of Macarthur’s Bar for five years. I’d just like to see her again to find out where life has taken her.
41) Once a year, return to New Orleans: It’s my home. I’ve never had an address there but it is my home. I’ve never felt more attached to a place and a people. Even though the city is hurting it needs me as a tourist and slowly we will bring it back to what it was.
42) Rebuild my wardrobe so that it matches my age and style: Some of my clothes are awesome. Some are probably a decade old. I really need to look at everything, donate what is no longer needed and fill in the gaps. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. You really don’t want to have an engineer shop by himself.
43) Learn that being perfect isn’t important; being happy with yourself is: The most important one of all. If I do this the other forty two will come in due time.

Sunday night: the return of the Oscar live blog! Will Glen win an Oscar? How many jokes about writers will Jon Stewart make? Will My Beloved Lindsay present? Will I be watching alone again? Yeah, probably but that’s why I can keep a live blog. Should be fun.

Have a great weekend everyone.


Unknown said...

I don't know if it was on your mother's list of musicals to listen to, but if you can, try to catch Great Performances on PBS and watch Stephen Sondheim's "Company." I think the song "Being Alive" should be your theme song during your 35th year of existence. Ask me if you don't know the story. I think the character, Bobby, mirrors your present day 30-ish angst. LB

Foodie said...

You are going to have to start writing a lot more often please. I like to check all the blogs I read every day.
