Monday, March 20, 2006

Local politics at its best

I’ve been seeing enough political yard signs recently (including more than a few show up on company property) that I really need to say something. It’s in regards to an important vote in KC that is coming up in a few weeks and to me, the entire future of this city depends on it. That vote is, of course, to re-elect James Taylor as county commissioner.

(Ok, that’s not the issue but I have seen that sign and you’ll have to admit that I can’t imagine what county politics would be like without his languid folk rock stylings.)

Anyway, the vote is for the sports stadiums and actually there are two votes. The first is for a 3/8% sales tax increase for Jackson County with the money going to improve the sports stadiums in town. The second is another tax increase to raise an additional 200 million in order to put a rolling roof over the two stadiums and thus give Kansas City a Super Bowl sometime in the next decade. The people who support this are pushing to save the teams and call themselves Save Our Stadiums. I have a counter-proposal that I would like to state here. It’s a rather simple slogan

Are You People Freaking Insane?

This is just a bad idea all around. I can understand supporting the first vote. It’s still a bad package as the teams are not putting up nearly enough money in the overall deal but the stadiums do need to be improved. They are nearing that thirty year mark and they are showing their age. Both are great places to watch a game but still, you could definitely make some changes. The thing is the owners are not putting in close to what teams have done in other cities and you can’t claim that it’s because they do not have money. The Royals are owned by Wal-Mart (or at least heirs to the Wal-Mart fortune) and Lamar Hunt has owned the Chiefs forever.

Plus, everyone is acting like if this vote doesn’t pass the teams will leave town tomorrow and I’ll have to break it to you but they won’t be going anywhere. What city is angling for a baseball team? You’re down to Portland (which is possibly going to lose the Trail Blazers) and Las Vegas (who baseball is going to shy away from because of gambling). Sure, LA is an option for the Chiefs but they haven’t been able to put together a stadium package for the last decade. Trust me, if this vote fails there will be another chance.

Still, I’ll understand if people pass the first measure. It’s a dumb vote that will raise my taxes for no apparent reason but that happens. It’s the second measure that makes me really wonder what they put in the water here. A rolling roof over two existing stadiums is one of the dumbest things that I’ve ever heard of. I remember listening to people push that idea in Chicago for a combined White Sox/Bears complex and they basically got laughed out of the city.

Basically, you can’t add something like this to a stadium and have it work. Remember, it’s not a dome, it’s a roof. All you are doing is keeping out the rain. If we have a Super Bowl in February it still won’t change the fact that it is thirty degrees outside and unless they intend to fix this, there is no heating inside the stadium. It will almost certainly be the coldest Super Bowl on record. Keep that in mind when you hear people talk about getting a Final Four. As long as part of the stadium is open-air (and all of the drawings that I have seen show it that way) then there is no way that the NCAA will want any part of it.

Plus, the Super Bowl will not be an economic windfall. Yes, we will get more people in town that weekend but the revenue they create probably won’t cover the cost of the additional hotels and convention space that would need to be built. There is no additional tourism created unless anyone can tell me that they have planned vacations to Detroit, Jacksonville and Houston as a result of the last three games. And given how the sportswriters ripped on Jacksonville they would have a field day in Kansas City.

This town needs pro sports teams. Without them, all this place is is a slightly larger Omaha. But that doesn’t mean you tax the hell out of people when the owners haven’t coughed up their fair share. It doesn’t mean you make some ill-conceived effort to make yourself appear big time just so you can fall flat on your face. Take a step back, develop a real plan and then we can talk about this. But until then, please, just think for once.

(Oh, and to whoever did put the signs up on my way to work. It’s nice that you are promoting the vote in Johnson County when a) you’re not the one getting taxed and b) you’re not the one voting on it.)

(How I Met Your Mother Update: Ted (or alternate me, take your pick) this is an easy decision in real life, tougher in sitcom world. In real life, you go to Robin’s. I’m talking from experience here. Staying doesn’t work. Trust me. Of course, since this is a sitcom I will bet you that he will go and Victoria will have flown into town creating all sorts of wacky hijinks. But you’ve got to make up your mind and just go.)

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