Wednesday, March 15, 2006


A couple of things to note…

1) I’d like to point out that tomorrow through Monday are the Uncle Tupelo appreciation days. Yes, on March 16 through the 20th you are required to listen to all of the Uncle Tupelo discs and bask in the majesty of the greatest band ever to make its way out of Bellville, Illinois. For those wondering why these dates are chosen its because their third album is titled, simply, “March 16-20, 1992”. They didn’t even bother with a title, just listed the days they recorded it. So for those of you who have an innate need to know what I am listening to at all times, this gives you the scoop for the weekend.

2) Of course, we have St. Patrick’s Day coming up and this year it falls on a Friday. This always causes a bit of alarm since on Lenten Fridays you can’t eat meat and thus the traditional corned beef and cabbage dinner could condemn you to eternal suffering. (Ok, maybe not. I don’t eat meat on Friday but I would like to think that my soul will be judged on something a little more meaningful than what I had for dinner.) To deal with this, our bishop (and a good number of bishops in the US) have granted a dispensation meaning that we can go nuts with the corned beef this Friday and rest assured that we will not suffer for it. It is simply assumed that the green beer will cause more than enough suffering on Saturday to suffice for any greater need for punishment.

3) For those of you wondering, yes I do go out on St. Patrick’s Day but I don’t go nuts. I skip the parade, I know that it’s big in KC but since it’s not the South Side Irish parade it just feels wrong attending it. It’s a Chicago thing and I’m not even sure if I could explain it. Yes I’ll hit the bars but it is kind of like New Year’s Eve all over again as it is amateur day and night. Like I’ve said, I turned pro a long time ago in the regard. Actually, I’m probably like that grizzled clubhouse veteran who knows that his best days are probably behind him but thinks that with enough guile and craftiness and if his body can hold together for one last season he might just be able to have that one last all star run. Or at least that’s how I’d like to imagine it. It’s more like I’m the guy with the tinges of gray in his hair who is out at a surprisingly late hour.

4) I’ve got some really good news in that I get to sleep in tomorrow. Yes, I’m off from work for the next two days. The fact that it corresponds with the start of the tournament is purely coincidence. It’s a much needed break for me as I’ll get the chance to rest, relax, watch some hoops and generally put a couple of aspects of my life back in order. And it will be nice to not have to spend eight hours running excel for a change. Well, unless I decide to optimize my CD collection spreadsheet over the weekend, which probably would take eight hours. And sadly, I’d probably enjoy those eight hours.

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