Thursday, March 02, 2006

Feels like a full moon

Duke lost to Florida State? Duke lost to friggin Florida State? I…I…I picked the wrong night to give up negativity.

Ok, it is extremely late so I am going to try to make this a very quick post. I will comment on the comments later, right now I just want to explain just how odd my evening has been. Left work and driving home saw a very large cloud of smoke in the distance ahead of me. I immediately knew that a) something was on fire and b) whatever it is was pretty big. There is a c) in that it caused traffic to be horrible but that really is a lesser topic since what was burning was Old Overland Park, the only part of the town that made it feel like a place and not like one large strip mall. But I was able to make it home, right when fire trucks started swarming past me and pulling up two blocks from my apartment.

Yes, after passing one fire had another one apparently start within shouting distance from my apartment. No idea what happened there, other than they closed the roads and that made getting around quite a challenge. And I had to get around because after going to church I headed off to Lawrence to catch a show. (This shows how completely out of sorts I was, I never go home when I’m going to Lawrence since this adds about an hour of commute time to my evening). Make it to the show right when the opening act starts and she was, well, not awful but after two songs I was reaching for the fast forward button.

This got me to the co-headliner: Stephen Kellogg and the Sixers. Except that Stephen had the stomach flu and couldn’t perform. But the Sixers said the show must go on, even if they were down a guitarist and simply had one of their buddies sitting in for this part of the tour. So, we have a band without a frontman and with a replacement guitarist trying to play a set, which means that the bassist and the drummer have to trade off lead vocals. That’s a challenge since they sing harmony and don’t actually know the words to the songs. It was like watching people sing karaoke poorly to songs you’ve never heard of. I’ll admit, even they were laughing about it but it was just off the charts.

At least I did get to see Pat McGee, though he seemed to be a little bit off as well. This may have had to do with the fact that there was absolutely no crowd there, probably because it was KU senior night. His set just wasn’t really doing anything for me and I like a lot of his stuff. I hate to say this but I may have been better off seeing him when he opened for Hanson last year. And even with all the shows that I see even I have limits.

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