Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bits of stuff

It’s tough living in Delaware. There is nothing much to say about the state other than it has no sales tax. I’m not quite sure where anything is and I have a slight suspicion that there isn’t anything to locate in the first place. And, on days like today, I find myself driving behind pick up trucks bearing a) an NRA license plate and b) a magnetic memorial ribbon that reads “support farting.”

I can take the NRA plate. I really don’t have a problem with that. I could maybe even take the ribbon, even though my inner 10 year old can’t quite find the humor in it. Seeing both at the same time just makes me very, very sad for humanity.

(Add to that the fact that I constantly see dead deer on the side of the road in this part of the country. I have yet to get used to that sight. I really don’t think I want to get used to it. There is nothing more depressing than being on a leisurely drive and then notice Bambi lying motionless on the shoulder.)

On the plus side, my Illini are still in the tournament! Not the one that matters, of course, and I am unable to watch any of the games but they are still playing basketball. Also, we can now use our home court instead of letting it be in the hands of Cirque du Soleil. Personally, I would have just held both events at the same time. Serves them right for having a circus completely devoid of elephants.

Random side political note: Sarah Palin looks to be close to a deal with Discovery that will bring her $1.2 million an episode for a reality show on Alaska. I have no problem with her doing this deal or for Discovery doing this deal. I just hope that someone brings this up when she starts talking about the horrors of the mainstream media when she has a multi million dollar production deal with the mainstream media in the works. I’m not saying that the media is perfect either, just that all of the cards are placed on the table.

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