Sunday, July 26, 2009

Well, you do eat a lot of cake...

On ABC News tonight they mentioned a study that stated that, and I quote here, “Getting married makes you more likely to become obese.” They talked about some of the proposed reasoning behind it. You spend more time at home, you don’t feel as great of a need to take care of yourself, those sorts of things. They never bothered to mention the one fact that probably shoots down the entire study: Getting married means you are getting older. You’re married years fall after your single years when your body has a metabolism that does not stop. Marriage doesn’t cause obesity; life does. I just love how poorly developed studies like that can make the national news while I still cannot receive funding for my robot army. (The so-called “experts” are too concerned that the robots will become self aware and kill us all. If that is the cost of progress so be it.)

I am making some pretty good progress on the weight loss front myself. My treadmill workouts are going well and are about as interesting as treadmill workouts can be. As in they are painfully dull and excruciatingly boring. No matter what I do to liven up my time on the treadmill (and I am one of those people who never keeps the same speed or incline for more than a few minutes) it is always a slog. Not that I don’t enjoy the challenge and all but I would love to find a way to make it more interesting. True, I could run outside but that would mean I would have to go outside and who wants to do that?

The interesting thing is that I am about a month into my getting back into the workout routine and I am starting to really feel the effects. Last night I did the same workout that I did two weeks ago and instead of feeling like I was about to collapse halfway through like I did last time I enjoyed my run and went farther than I did before. My body seems to be finally understanding that I am getting into workout mode and is acting accordingly. I am hoping to get to the point that I did last year where I really looked forward to going to the gym in the evening and working out. It does mean that I can’t spend all of my waking hours in front of a computer screen but I guess that is not a bad thing overall.

Oh, and your sign of the apocalypse for the week: The number one movie in the country this weekend was G-Force. Yes, more people saw a film featuring talking guinea pigs than any other piece of art (or in case of that Katherine Heigel film, an hour and a half of romantic comedy clichés.) As I mentioned before, that film is a disgrace to the G-Force name and legacy. How did we move from super powered children dressed as birds to talking rodents? This country is going downhill faster than you could ever believe.

Best of 120 Minutes: Let’s start with the week with some Hothouse Flowers. They are one of those bands that never got the break they deserved.

The five random CDs for the week:
1) The Brunettes “Mars Loves Venus”
2) Whiskeytown “Strangers Almanac”
3) Billy Bragg and Wilco “Mermaid Avenue Volume 2”
4) Richard Buckner “Dents and Shells”
5) Rilo Kiley “Under the Blacklight”

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