Sunday, July 12, 2009

Age is a state of mind, right?

I was carded while buying beer this weekend. This is a rather astounding development and while I would like to thank my youthful good looks it is somewhat disconcerting. While I am happy to know that I still can carry off the look of a nineteen year old trying to sneak out a six pack you have to wonder a) why a nineteen year old would be buying good beer and b) how many nineteen year olds have hair that has tinges of gray in it? It is a dignified gray, don’t get me wrong, but it doesn’t scream college kid.

The thing is this now bothers me as I have now reached a certain age at which changes in my body are becoming very apparent. No, this does not mean that I am going through puberty though some people would question whether or not I have ever completed it. Though it does have the whole “hair in places there was no hair before” moments in common it doesn’t have the same thrill as it did as a teenager. I know that some people remember those times with fear but my reaction was always more like, “Sweet. That wasn’t there yesterday.” However, you just don’t do that with nose hair.

Yes, I now have nose hair situations. Actually, I have had those on and off for several years now and own a pair of electric nose hair trimmers as a result. (I know that for many of you this will fall under the category: Too Much Information. If so, just scan down until the Best of 120 Minutes section.) It is annoying but controllable and something that I knew that I would have to deal with. Hell, even Queer Eye for the Straight Guy mentioned it years ago so I expected to have to address it as part of my daily grooming habits. It is the next part that concerns me.

Much like a sixty year old man, I occasionally get ear hair. Now I don’t get the ear forests like you see on some people but there are times when I look at the mirror and go, “That is not good.” Because there is nothing that tells you that you are old and should start wearing sensible trousers than having ear hair. It is totally not fair given the fact that I still can’t grow a moustache or a goatee to save my life but I get hair in places I have no desire for it to be. Yes, I break out the trimmers so no one notices (well, other than the people who read the blog. Probably should have thought about that beforehand) but it is one of those signs that I have reached a certain point in my life. I already knew that my body doesn’t recover from workouts or late nights the same way that it used to. Now I just have a more visual example that my careless days of youth are behind me.

Best of 120 Minutes: Let’s all go back to the dorm and listen to the Pixies. Break out the black t-shirts!

The five random CDs for the week:
1) Bon Iver “For Emma, Forever Ago”
2) Kathleen Edwards “Live from the Bowery Ballroom”
3) Rufus Wainwright “Want Two”
4) Matthew Sweet “Girlfriend”
5) Garrison Starr “Fans Greatest Hits Volume One”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They must've thought you were McLovin- DJ