Given that college football season is upon us I feel that it is paramount that I discuss two of the greatest inventions of the past decade. The first is shown above, in a very bad camera phone photo. You might not be able to make it out but that is a video game at a bar that allows you to play, how can I put it, Virtual Cornhole. Ok, that sounds a lot dirtier than I wanted it to. Essentially it is a video bean bag toss game. Yes, you can now play bean bag toss virtually in a bar. And I swear to God, there are two bars within two blocks of my apartment that have this sitting in the back right now.
Now I understand people playing cornhole while tailgating (yeah, there is no way to write this and not sound really perverted). It’s a good way to waste time while drinking and it’s a lot less dangerous than setting up a horseshoe pit in a parking lot or breaking out the Jarts. But, speaking as someone who has spent an awful lot of time in bars, I’ve never thought “You know what would make the night complete? If we could play bean bag toss right now and I didn’t actually have to bend over to pick up the bags.” I really want to meet the guy who came up with this idea, mainly just to find out just what drugs he is on.
The other I just need to link to first.
Beer Pong For the Wii
Yes, in what will easily be the best use of a game system ever we will soon be able to play Beer Pong on a Nintendo Wii. No longer will we have to go through the hassle of setting up the cups, finding a ping pong ball or hiding your activities from a bar owner who has banned drinking games. Now we can just get blitzed in the comfort of our own homes and/or dorm rooms. Add in quarters and cups and I think that I’ll go back to school just so I could tell kids in my day we didn’t have all of these fancy machines. We had to use actual cups and actual tables. And we couldn’t even afford beer, the cups were empty half the time.
So this really is a sign that the college experience is changing. It’s one thing that you never have to worry about calling a girl you like and having to talk to her roommate. That was a right of passage in my day and in one instance, resulted in my dating the roommate instead. But now it would just be email or calling a cel and you don’t even have to go through this external judge. Instead of looking through the facebook you now, well, go on Facebook. But do we really need to make virtual versions of Cornhole and Beer Pong? Part of the enjoyment is the sheer stupidity of the action. I have a feeling that the only people who play these games are guys in their mid-thirties trying to relive their youth.
Speaking of that, this is my last weekend of my 33’s. Yep, next week I’ll be 34 and will undoubtedly be in my mid-30’s. I’ll just be over in the corner, rocking gently and sobbing about growing old. While I’m happy with what I’ve done I can’t say that my life is what I want it to be. Expect a lot more on this next week. Until then, enjoy the holidays and go Irish and Illini.
Now I understand people playing cornhole while tailgating (yeah, there is no way to write this and not sound really perverted). It’s a good way to waste time while drinking and it’s a lot less dangerous than setting up a horseshoe pit in a parking lot or breaking out the Jarts. But, speaking as someone who has spent an awful lot of time in bars, I’ve never thought “You know what would make the night complete? If we could play bean bag toss right now and I didn’t actually have to bend over to pick up the bags.” I really want to meet the guy who came up with this idea, mainly just to find out just what drugs he is on.
The other I just need to link to first.
Yes, in what will easily be the best use of a game system ever we will soon be able to play Beer Pong on a Nintendo Wii. No longer will we have to go through the hassle of setting up the cups, finding a ping pong ball or hiding your activities from a bar owner who has banned drinking games. Now we can just get blitzed in the comfort of our own homes and/or dorm rooms. Add in quarters and cups and I think that I’ll go back to school just so I could tell kids in my day we didn’t have all of these fancy machines. We had to use actual cups and actual tables. And we couldn’t even afford beer, the cups were empty half the time.
So this really is a sign that the college experience is changing. It’s one thing that you never have to worry about calling a girl you like and having to talk to her roommate. That was a right of passage in my day and in one instance, resulted in my dating the roommate instead. But now it would just be email or calling a cel and you don’t even have to go through this external judge. Instead of looking through the facebook you now, well, go on Facebook. But do we really need to make virtual versions of Cornhole and Beer Pong? Part of the enjoyment is the sheer stupidity of the action. I have a feeling that the only people who play these games are guys in their mid-thirties trying to relive their youth.
Speaking of that, this is my last weekend of my 33’s. Yep, next week I’ll be 34 and will undoubtedly be in my mid-30’s. I’ll just be over in the corner, rocking gently and sobbing about growing old. While I’m happy with what I’ve done I can’t say that my life is what I want it to be. Expect a lot more on this next week. Until then, enjoy the holidays and go Irish and Illini.