Monday, August 13, 2007

Lost in the supermarket

(If you haven’t checked out the comments for yesterday’s post you really should. Either I’ve been punk’d or my blog has taken on a level of popularity that is beyond my control. Or I’m beginning to turn into one of my favorite bands who are big overseas but can’t get any press in the States.)

So, after getting back from the airport yesterday I was too tired and/or lazy to do anything other than sit around and watch television. This was a slight problem as I have no food in my apartment and needed to go grocery shopping. I ended up going tonight and I almost never go grocery shopping on a weeknight. It is always a Saturday morning task where I get to stumble around groggily and pick items at random. Also, it is slightly less crowded than during the week, mainly because when you live next to bars not much happens early on a Saturday morning.

This meant that tonight the entire vibe was different during my shopping experience and it leads to an interesting question. Now I have always heard of people meeting the love of their life while buying milk or getting a date in the frozen food section but I have no idea how one would actually go about that. Tonight all I could think of was going up to someone and saying, “You like food? I like food too! Wanna make out?” Somehow I didn’t get the sense that it would be a successful tactic.

(Yeah, and the casting director for The Pick Up Artist said that “I didn’t the match the profile they were looking for.” Apparently I have too much skill for that show, which has now entered the “always record” area of my Tivo. I’m going to do a running review of a few episodes soon. The humor and cringe potential here are pretty much unmatched.)

Otherwise I am just sitting here at that point in the summer where it is just effing hot. Like triple digit heat index every day for two weeks hot. Days where you just can’t get up to do anything and walking into your car just sucks the life out of you. Especially if your car has a dark interior and you end up parking on the roof of a parking garage like I have on more than one occasion. Part of me likes hot weather just to see if I can handle adversity. My bigger issue is that I still view summer in Chicago terms where it might be hot during the day but it will cool off at night. It’s still ninety degrees outside right now. It shouldn’t be that warm when it is dark out. It seems totally unfair that you can’t sit out on your porch on a summer night without risking heat exhaustion. Oh well, I’ll just be complaining about the lack of snow in a few months anyway…

(And they have my beloved Lindsay cleaning toilets? That’s it, time to form the rescue party. It’s much like forming Voltron except we use bottles of Absolut.)

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