Wednesday, August 08, 2007

The Past and Future of Music

So I’ve been given an offer to buy the farmland where they held Woodstock. Only 8 million and I think there is some potential here. I’ve got a pretty solid business plan. After salting the earth to insure that nothing could ever possibly grow there I plan on paving the entire thing over. Put up a couple of strip malls, maybe a nice industrial processing plant, or even one of those waste incinerator plants where they burn garbage to make electricity. I think high voltage lines and the fumes of rotting garbage piles would truly make the New Woodstock experience. For the music component, I envision loudspeakers constantly playing music written by computers about robots. All day, all night, just beeps and bloops and ballads to the awesomeness that is R2-D2.

I know what you’re all thinking. “But won’t all the hippies get mad?” Yeah, but what the hell are they going to do about it? Nothing, just like they always do. Most overrated, overhyped, non-influential generation in the history of the planet. Worst case scenario is that they try to organize a march and all I’ll have to do is tell them that Phish is playing a few towns over and the protest will break down much like their vans.

Yeah, as you can see I really don’t like hippies.

Switching gears, there is either something brand new and never before seen on the blog or this section is going to be rather meaningless. See, I’ve decided to launch a new feature to the blog and that is New Music Wednesdays. Because Tuesdays are just passé. Anyway, if this works I’ll have embedded an entire Frames concert thanks to my friends at If it doesn’t work, it’s probably Blogger/Google issues. The fact that I had to do a concert and not just a song like I planned is thanks to my friends at fabchannel being a little lazy with authorizing my login. The idea is each week I’ll post a different band or song to highlight what I’m listening to and just help to promote people who need more fans than they have.

(This might also mean some format changes to the blog in order to embed YouTube posts. Given that I’ve used the same default format for almost three years it is time for a change.)

The reason I’ve started with The Frames is due to an article in USA Today I read in the cafeteria at work yesterday. First of all, thanks to the kind soul who leaves the paper there as it does make lunch bearable for me. Anyway, the article was about the film Once and it talked about how Fox is now getting behind the film and is trying for a wider release. To me, that is awesome as it is one of my favorite films of the year and is just simple and sweet and happy and very seldom will you hear me promoting happy films. There are a whole lot of dark films by European directors in my collection, which has caused dates to look through my films and decide that staying in and watching a movie just isn’t a good idea.

But the main reason I’m happy for a wider release is that it will give more publicity to The Frames, who have probably been my favorite band for the past three years. Just great passionate music with a lot of style. Enjoy the music, unless the clip doesn’t embed. In that case it will be enjoy it next week after I work on debugging the code.

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