Tonight’s pictures: For those of you wondering what my view of the world was on many a night this one pretty much sums it up. I was always amazed when I watched Donna and Joey close up the tabs at the end of the night since the cash register seems to have been made fifty years ago and watching that thing print out the end record was always a wonder to behold. Especially after a few too many shots. Plus, you can see the televisions that always distracted me when Erik and I would have our father-son discussions (which always seemed to devolve into a conversation about music.) I’m sorry but bright lights and motion always get my attention.
Plus, since I walked by them I figured that I would take a picture of the trophy case with the seven Heisman trophies. That’s not something you see everyday. Especially not on the Illinois campus where we still talk about how great Jeff George was.
Ok, on to business. I would like to take a moment and officially recognize that the reign of Funk is at hand! Yes, thanks to my tireless efforts the mothership has landed in Kansas City and Mark Funkhouser has been elected mayor. No, I’m not kidding. It’s the same guy I wrote about a few months ago and came up with campaign slogans for that just happened to show up in his advertisements. The one who started inviting me to press events. Even after I wrote that he “looks vaguely like Rasputin” and “always seems to be auditioning for the role of third zombie in the next Dawn of the Dead remake.” It is entirely possible that I a) influenced the politics of a mid-major American city and b) might be named vice mayor as a result. I deserve an easy politico job out of this to say the least.
But wow, the Funkster has been elected. I’ll have to say that this will make reading the news much more enjoyable. Can you read the words “Mayor Funkhouser” and not smile? Plus, if he can actually do what he wants to focus on he might actually be a good mayor. He has big plans like fixing the sewer system so that a) the streets don’t flood every time it rains and b) the water mains no longer burst, thus flooding the streets every time it doesn’t rain. Or fixing the potholes that seem to swallow up entire cars. Or dealing with a mass transit system that I’m not sure technically exists. It’ll be some interesting times, that’s for sure.
(And please can we have P Funk for the inaugural ball? That dude in the diaper should definitely play Hail to the Mayor or The Train from Kansas City or whatever the hell the official song is.)
Also, in a case of target marketing gone berserk Ticketmaster made sure that I was the first person to know that I can get tickets to see Morrisey play in KC. I’m not sure that this is a good thing. For the record, I’ve never been a Morrisey/Smiths fan though seemingly everyone I hung out with was. But there is something intriguing about going to see a show from someone who lost relevancy once I left high school. Plus, what is it like at one of his shows anyway? Do we all just hang out and get collectively bummed? Except now that we are old and bummed? It’s like you’ll have an entire crowd in their mid-thirties going “Aw man, this reminds me of being back in high school and being depressed and being picked on by jocks and having no one understand me. Man those were the days.”
Finally, I have a link to pass on thanks to my good friends at deadspin.com. One of the great things about college basketball is that the season ends with the greatest montage in sports; the playing of One Shining Moment. As cheesy as it may sound, this one song always gets to me. This one site has decided to collect all of the clips in one handy link. Plus, I think he goes back far enough for the awesome Teddy Pendergrass version. If you have time to kill (and don’t mind getting choked up as you watch your favorite team lose in the title game) these are incredible. The link is http://tmastc.blogspot.com/2007/03/one-shining-moment.html
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