Thursday, May 18, 2006

Time for a TGIT

A couple of odds and ends to wrap up the week…

1) How I Met Your Mother season finale update: So the season ends with Ted and Robin getting together and Marshall and Lily calling off their engagement. That is a bit of a surprise but it shows that they are still trying to keep the show realistic, which is unheard of for a sitcom. In most sitcoms the characters suffer amnesia from week to week but on this show the characters are changing and evolving. Also, I appreciate that Ted at one point was reduced to just looking up at the sky and yelling at the universe for being unfair. I’ve done that a number of times, it’s just that in Ted’s case the universe went, “Oh yeah, you’re right, let me fix that” while for me the reply was, “Look when you show me a rule book then you can start talking about life being unfair.” Looking forward to next fall to see what happens next.

2) You know, what I love about MySpace is that I now check my email to find messages titled “Sexy Abby wants to be your friend.” Can’t say that I was getting messages like that every day before my profile went up (it was more like a once a week thing.) For those wondering, at some point I will actually put a picture of myself on MySpace but in all honesty, the best picture of myself is the one in the wrestling mask. So until then, my avatar will have to be a freaked out painting of Snoopy.

3) So, I finished reading Dan Brown’s “Angels and Demons” over the weekend. Look, I was in an airport and by federal law you are required to read a Dan Brown novel while in an airport. All I can say is that his writing style improved with The Da Vinci Code but that isn’t saying much. The guy writes characters worse than I do and at odd intervals we take four pages to discuss really esoteric conspiracy theories that would make a great college lecture but they don’t create good fiction. The best explanation I’ve heard about The Da Vinci Code is that it is a Scooby Doo episode for adults. That said, I had to stay up late just so I could finish the book.

4) For those wondering, it doesn’t look like I’ll hit my goal of fifty concerts this year without lowering my standards. This isn’t entirely my fault as two of the shows that I wanted to go are now cancelled, including one that Ticketmaster will refund less their processing fee of course. Ticketmaster, screwing over the customer because, well, what are you going to do about it? I mean, I could go catch REO Speedwagon at the Missouri State Fair later this year but I’d rather, well, let’s be honest. Seeing REO Speedwagon would probably be the highlight of my week.

5) Oh yeah, I know that I took another shot at Kansas last night. That one was less justified than most. Still, the point is I have no idea how my career path took me here. It’s like one moment I’m working in a nuclear power plant and the next moment I’m doing consumer product marketing and talking about the buying habits of baby boomers. All of the steps made sense to me at the time, I just don’t know how I got from there to here.

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