Monday, May 15, 2006

Gonna Get Myself Arrested...

Ok, I just got back from seeing Gomez in concert so if this reads like my ears are ringing like mad that is the reason. You’ve got to love Gomez, a bunch of guys from England who in no way look like they should be a rock band. One guy looks like he works down at the video store, another guy looks like an accountant and their bounce around the stage energy guy looks like Harry Potter if Harry decided to say, “Screw Voldermort, I’m just going to sit back, drink a bunch of lager, and play keyboards in a rock band.” Which when you think about it, would be a better plot than The Order of the Phoenix.

(Oh, and the opening act was this guy named David Ford who was doing some Damien Rice level sampling and it worked really well. Not as well as the footage of Damien singing Volcano at Bonnaroo a few years back, which was just astounding. I’m telling you, when Damien Rice gets rolling it is incredible especially when he works with his four piece band that consists of a) him on guitar, b) Vyvienne Long on cello, c) a dude playing bass and d) Lisa Hannigan alternately singing backup vocals and sitting on the floor, rocking mesmerizingly back and forth.)

(I don’t think that mesmerizingly is actually a word but it damn well should be.)

Random story from today: While in a class I was asked to describe a time when I was given rather difficult feedback that I accepted without any criticism or qualms from myself. I gave a very good answer from my personal life. I just failed to mention that the conversation took place next to the trivia machine at the Backer. Like I’ve always said, every story I tell is 75% truth and 25% fiction.

Oh, and I would like to thank President Bush for deciding that he needed to address the immigration crisis during sweeps month. Hence, I can’t write about the season finale of How I Met Your Mother because the show was delayed by twenty minutes and I had to take off for the concert right when it started. So I’ll be watching the tape as soon as I finish posting this. On the whole immigration issue here’s where I stand. Figure out a way to speed up legal immigration and make it easier. I can’t fault anyone for coming to this country in search of a dream. My grandparents entered Ellis Island with twenty bucks, no working knowledge of English and addresses of relatives in Chicago. Two generations later here I am. Fix the borders and fix the system but if you kill the dream you will hamstring the country.

Sorry, got to cut it short tonight. I promise, I’m telling my prom story tomorrow. I can’t believe that it’s been fifteen years already.

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