Thursday, May 04, 2006

In Lando We Trust

Big news today. Ok, big news for guys like me who dress our dogs up as Boba Fett for Halloween and trust me, you need to schedule more than a weekend if you are going for that look. Do you know how long it takes to turn a Kentucky Fried Chicken bucket into a convincing helmet that doesn’t smell like Extra Crispy? It’s a lot longer than you think. Moving on…

Anyway, the news is that Lucas is going to release the original trilogy on DVD the way it was originally broadcast in theaters. No digital additions, no wacky characters showing up on Tatooine, no badly animated Jabba the Hutt, and no Hayden Christiansen in the final scene. And most importantly, once again Han will shoot first. Because Han wasting Greedo defines just how much of a bad ass Han is.

Of course, I already own the DVD set they released a few years back of the special editions, which means that I will need to buy copies of movies that I already own. That was acceptable in converting from VHS to DVD but it kind of blows to have to pay to get a copy of a movie that I already own. Just goes to show that Lucas is going to wring every last dollar out of this franchise that he possibly can.

I still haven’t done what I’ve threatened to do on many occasions, which is watch all six films back to back to back to back to back to back. 12+ hours of non-stop action, pointless dialogue, haphazard acting and the knowledge that in the end an entire galactic empire is overthrown by a bunch of Ewoks. It does seem like the perfect rainy Sunday endeavor with my running a live blog all the while. I just don’t know if I could do it and remain sane. Plus, I’d be halfway through it and go, “Wow, why the hell did the special effects get real sucky all of a sudden.”

(I’ll say this again here. When I started this blog Super mentioned that it was in essence one big ad for myself. Sounds perfect that I could just happen to tell someone that I am a writer and point them to this site and wow, look at how creative I am. Except that I have posts like this littered throughout that guarantee that my social life will consist of a lot of late nights pondering just how much hairspray that Leia must have used and why the empire felt a need to compact their trash rather than just expelling it into space.)

That’s about it for this week. The MySpace page will be up and running this weekend (it’s laundry weekend so I have a lot of time scheduled to being in my apartment with nothing else to do.) Tomorrow is Cinqo de Mayo so for those of you who wish to celebrate an invented holiday, go right ahead. Given that my friends in Mexico City don’t celebrate it or even understand why it is important, I have to question the need for a major event but hey, any excuse to drink tequila is good in my book.

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