Monday, May 17, 2010

Get your Free Lindsay t-shirts now

Monday Weigh In: I came in at 208 this week which is down a pound from last week. I’ve got the needle moving in the right direction and that is the most important thing. I’m cleaning up my diet (except for the box of Chips Ahoy that somehow managed to sneak its way into my apartment) and am back to a workout routine that is almost but not quite routine. But progress is progress and per Wii Fit I now have a BMI of under 28. Now I just have to get it to 25 so I am no longer officially classified as chubby.

I’m not making this up but after last night’s post about vanity plates I found myself behind a car with a plate that read “FIBONCI” this morning. Now, that one is cool. I mean, it’s as easy as 1, 1, 2, 3, 5…

(This was one of the highlights of my day. I’m not sure if that is indicative of just how much of a nerd I am or how bad my day was. Probably a mixture of the two.)

In other news from this weekend they crowned Miss USA and….really does anyone care about this? Anyone at all? Ooh, look there are photos of Miss USA pole dancing and wearing, well, more clothes than she did in the Miss USA pageant. Are we supposed to be shocked by this? Does anyone even know what network this was broadcast on? Beauty pageants are a strange thing to begin with (and yes, they are supposed to be about talent and poise and how well you look in a swimsuit) and the Miss USA pageant has that Donald Trump layer of ooze to it but I just don’t seem to get the point. It’s 2010, does any of this even matter? And don’t get me started on Toddlers and Tiaras on TLC.

Really I’m just kind of played out with pop culture at the moment. My Beloved Lindsay is most likely headed to jail for not attending AA classes. Incredibly, all she had to do was show up. She could keep drinking but just had to attend class. There isn’t any movie coming out this summer that catches my interest other than seeing just how much The A-Team ruins my childhood memories. The TV season is winding down and summer looks to be another wasteland until the new season of Big Brother starts up. I guess I’m just going to have to spend time reading. What a concept.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your headline is one in which the decision to use an upper or lower case 'F' can make a world of difference