Sunday, May 16, 2010

Seriously, people

It used to be that I would simply get annoyed by vanity license plates. Now people seem to be taking it to the next level and incorporating their license plate holders into the vanity plates themselves. Over the past week I’ve seen the following:

1) A car with an “I support NPR” license plate holder with the license plate holder with the plate “SNOOTY”.

2) A bright yellow sports car with the plate “YELLOH”. At first I thought that this was simply a reference to the color of the car and that this guy was the second owner of a bright yellow sports car that decided that it was wasn’t enough to have a car that is completely unlike any color known in nature and that he had to specify for everyone what color the car actually is. Then I saw the license plate holder, which from top to bottom read as follows: “I will make you YELLOH in bed.” To which my reaction is a) it now makes much more sense why he didn’t use YELLOW and b) that might be the most idiotic thing that I have seen in my entire life. I mean, it made me embarrassed to be a carbon based lifeform. Plants are embarrassed when they see it.

So I’ve said it before and I will say it again; be cautious with the use of vanity plates. Just take the random number that the DMV gives you.

Not much happened to me or the world this weekend (unless you count thousands upon thousands of gallons of oil continuing to spill into the gulf, which apparently no one seems to care about.) In an attempt to change my current status of “fat slob” to “slightly overweight not very neat person” I did knock out four miles on the treadmill on Saturday. This was my first time on the treadmill in a long time and I felt pretty good during the workout. This morning was a different matter as various body parts were screaming at me. I apparently have muscles in places that I didn’t know muscles existed. So I’m a bit of a sore cowpoke in that regard.

I also finally moved my summer clothes to my main closet and put my sweaters away. I know most people have done that already but the Chicagoan in me does not believe that sweaters will not be necessary in mid-May. In fact, I always do keep one or two handy in July just in case. Yes, I always have a voice in the back of my head that says “Put on a sweater or you’ll catch a chill.” Mainly I realized that I have way too much clothes and need to do another round of donations. Especially shirts that are over ten years old. I think some might date back to college. It is rather frightening to think about given that I spent much of the afternoon watching the Hoarders marathon on TLC. Nothing will make you want to clean out your closets more than watching that show. Hell, you’ll walk into random houses just to clean out their stuff after watching the show.

Best of 120 Minutes: I’m in a Bettie Serveert mood at the moment. Things that you may not know: 1) The band name is Dutch for Bettie Serves, 2) music like this used to be if not popular at least prevalent, and 3) I saw them once in KC where there were maybe 30 of us there because it snowed half an inch that night.

The five random CDs for the week:
1) Pieta Brown “In the Cool”
2) David Ford “Songs for the Road”
3) Terrance Simien “Positively Beadhead”
4) Sting “The Dream of the Blue Turtles”
5) Sufjan Stevens “The Avalanche”

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