(Apologies for the picture quality. This is what you get when all you have on hand is a four year old camera phone.)
I’ve been wondering about whether or not the average American has become dumber recently. This sign really seemed to symbolize what I am seeing much too often. It was on the elevator at the Shop Rite near my apartment and no, I don’t know why a grocery store requires an elevator. I was stunned when I saw it because the terminology used could only imply one of two things: 1) the author did not know the phrase “Out of Order” or 2) the author realized that most of the people in the store would not understand what “Out of Order” meant and had to describe it instead.
Is it me or this one of the most depressing things that you have ever seen? I mean, we are not talking about high level reasoning here. We are not looking for the use of integral calculus or a well thought out critique on the role of Ophelia in Hamlet. Just a three word sign indicating that one elevator is not operating properly. Yet even something that simple, something so basic that I cannot recall a time where I would not understand the phrase, seems completely beyond the comprehension of the typical Delaware resident.
I am seeing this more and more often. It is almost as though the logic in the movie Idiocracy is coming true. Evolution is now working in reverse. Instead of a continual striving towards excellence we are in a race towards the bottom. Intelligence is no longer a desired trait. It has become an evolutionary disadvantage.
It really does bother me how society really does have a negative view towards intelligence and reason. I still remember the first time I saw the “My kid beats up your honor student” bumper sticker. Given that I was an honor student who had to work to avoid his share of beatings I really can’t stand things like this. Striving to be smart, to do well in school and being excellent in your endeavors is something that should be applauded. If I am the best in my school on the football field I am a hero. If I am the best in the classroom I am the jerk who ruined the curve. In school people really did yell at me for doing my best on a test and making them look bad. Imagine if I told the quarterback to suck more so I would look better in comparison. What do you think the reaction would be then?
Some people may say that I am being silly and using high school as an analogy for the rest of my life but I really feel that this hatred of knowledge is perpetrating all aspects of society. How many people are afraid of vaccinations because they believe that it is all some sort of scientific plot? They’d rather risk their lives or the lives of their loved ones than trust knowledge and reason. How many people cling to beliefs that are really no more than superstitions? Walk down the store aisles, watch the infomercials and see how the market plays on people’s ignorance and fear. News coverage on all fronts has become little more than fear mongering. It really makes me worry about the state of our society. I don’t want to be part of the last generation of people who can truly consider themselves to be intelligent.
Now excuse me, I have to go watch my tape of Sex Rehab with Dr. Drew.
I’ve been wondering about whether or not the average American has become dumber recently. This sign really seemed to symbolize what I am seeing much too often. It was on the elevator at the Shop Rite near my apartment and no, I don’t know why a grocery store requires an elevator. I was stunned when I saw it because the terminology used could only imply one of two things: 1) the author did not know the phrase “Out of Order” or 2) the author realized that most of the people in the store would not understand what “Out of Order” meant and had to describe it instead.
Is it me or this one of the most depressing things that you have ever seen? I mean, we are not talking about high level reasoning here. We are not looking for the use of integral calculus or a well thought out critique on the role of Ophelia in Hamlet. Just a three word sign indicating that one elevator is not operating properly. Yet even something that simple, something so basic that I cannot recall a time where I would not understand the phrase, seems completely beyond the comprehension of the typical Delaware resident.
I am seeing this more and more often. It is almost as though the logic in the movie Idiocracy is coming true. Evolution is now working in reverse. Instead of a continual striving towards excellence we are in a race towards the bottom. Intelligence is no longer a desired trait. It has become an evolutionary disadvantage.
It really does bother me how society really does have a negative view towards intelligence and reason. I still remember the first time I saw the “My kid beats up your honor student” bumper sticker. Given that I was an honor student who had to work to avoid his share of beatings I really can’t stand things like this. Striving to be smart, to do well in school and being excellent in your endeavors is something that should be applauded. If I am the best in my school on the football field I am a hero. If I am the best in the classroom I am the jerk who ruined the curve. In school people really did yell at me for doing my best on a test and making them look bad. Imagine if I told the quarterback to suck more so I would look better in comparison. What do you think the reaction would be then?
Some people may say that I am being silly and using high school as an analogy for the rest of my life but I really feel that this hatred of knowledge is perpetrating all aspects of society. How many people are afraid of vaccinations because they believe that it is all some sort of scientific plot? They’d rather risk their lives or the lives of their loved ones than trust knowledge and reason. How many people cling to beliefs that are really no more than superstitions? Walk down the store aisles, watch the infomercials and see how the market plays on people’s ignorance and fear. News coverage on all fronts has become little more than fear mongering. It really makes me worry about the state of our society. I don’t want to be part of the last generation of people who can truly consider themselves to be intelligent.
Now excuse me, I have to go watch my tape of Sex Rehab with Dr. Drew.
1 comment:
When you go home for thanksgiving this year you can catch up and compare high school memories with that football player - in the period of time between when he asks if you'd like your sub toasted and what toppings you would like on it.
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