Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Some notes prior to the unofficial holiday tomorrow. See, I remember when the day after Thanksgiving was not an official holiday from a company perspective. You would actually have to take a vacation day to get a four day weekend. Now not only is the four day weekend a mandate (because otherwise our economy would collapse (or collapse even further) but it is assumed that no one will perform actual work on Wednesday. So much for a productive society.

From the “More Things Change the More They Stay the Same” file I came across the following two personalized license plates while driving on Sunday and they both filled me with a sense of anger and annoyance. Here they are…

IMLOVED: So whoop dee doo. You are loved. And you are apparently so confident of that fact that you feel the need to prove it via a license plate. All you are doing is arrogantly stating how happy you are. You know what? Screw you! The rest of us on the highway are bitter, emotionless shells of human beings who perform an endless array of farcical tasks on the infinitesimal hope that one day things will be slightly less sucky than they are right now. The last thing I want to see while driving is a reminder of how pathetic my life is. I think running that car off the road would be fully justified.

(Yeah, it hasn’t been the best few weeks in the relationship department for good old EC)

NO9TO5: I’m sorry but what could anyone have against Dolly Parton. Sure I can fully understand a dislike of Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin is a bit of an acquired taste but how could anyone make a public stand against a film that features Dolly Parton in all of her glory. Plus, it features the comical stylings of Dabney Coleman best known for roles in such films as…ok, he was in like three thousand films but none of them are coming to mind right now. But still, it is Dabney F’n Coleman. I see no reason to be protesting this film.

Switching gears, apparently Batman is going to follow in the footsteps of Superman, Captain America, numerous Flashes, and Uncle Ben and be killed off in the comic books. Sure, it will vaguely make sense. Batman is just a guy and you would think at some point someone would have come up with the bright idea of, I don’t know, shooting the guy but I’m not too sure I like this idea of bringing realism into comic books. Bruce Wayne has been Batman for seventy years and you know why that is the case? Because we really like having Bruce Wayne as Batman. We don’t want Dick Grayson or Tim Drake or whoever else they find on the scrapheap to replace him. We want the brooding old man. And let’s face it, we’re just going to find a way to resurrect him in a year anyway.

Also, I am so pissed that protestors have shut down the Bangkok airport. My flight connects through there. Sure, it takes me three days to get home but I got a really cheap fare.

Finally, a reason to read the blog over the holidays. On Thursday night I plan to provide my Holiday Season Television Guide. Don’t trust what you might find in some strange, archaic piece of communication colloquially referred to as a “newspaper”. Only at Battling the Current will you find out what to watch, where to watch it, and how much nog is required for you to adequately accept the fact that Larry the Cable Guy has a Christmas special. Should be great.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

coolest personalized license plate: PV NRT