Tuesday, February 06, 2007

What's on my mind...

It’s random comment time! It’s kind of like Peanut Butter Jelly Time except, you know, without the baseball bat.

1) My last Super Bowl comment. I should have known that Indianapolis was going to win the Super Bowl the moment that the Colts dedicated the game to Barbaro. You just can’t match that type of emotional commitment. The best the Bears could do was a pledge to work to prevent forest fires.

2) As of yesterday, if you typed “Battling the Current” into Google this blog is the number two link out of a million plus possibilities. If you search for “kcgatsby” every single link is in one way or another related to my media empire. I don’t know if this impresses anyone else but I’m really proud of this accomplishment. Especially the “battling the current” one as that is a real phrase that someone could legitimately search for. I’ve at least convinced search engines that I’m important.

3) Ok, one more Super Bowl comment. I personally found the Robert Goulet ad to be the best of the night. There really isn’t enough Robert Goulet on television, the guy seems perfectly willing to parody his own personality and does a great job at it. The Bud Light slapping people instead of fist bumps is a rip off of How I Met Your Mother and in turn, me. I so totally started doing that at trivia two months ago. Otherwise none of the commercials were anything that I would remember forty eight hours later, much less a year from now.

4) Great news on the mayoral front as we have brought the noise and the Funk in the latest poll. He ranked second amongst the apparently three dozen candidates for mayor and if he holds that position it would give him a run off in the general election. Yes, this city is about to get funkified. Plus, the guy in first place is named Alvin and seriously, who the hell would vote for someone named Alvin. If I was him I would have changed my name the first chance I got. And probably to “Optimus Prime.”

5) I’m serious, how friggin cool would it to be named Optimus Prime? I’d do it just so I could announce myself on conference calls. Hell, I’d hold calls just to do roll. Life would just be improved if everyone referred to you as Optimus.

6) Thankfully, after watching How I Met Your Mother last night I realized that I didn’t somehow forget meeting Emmitt Smith at some point in my life. Apparently, Super Dave is the one who met him (and to be honest, I wouldn’t be surprised if he actually had). My doppelganger Ted simply built a sensory depravation headset and I designed one of those in college. How else were you supposed to study in a bar?

7) It was strange how I ended up at the Lindsay Buckingham show on Friday night. It really was a recommendation show, as a lot of my friends who are into music told me that I had to see the show. Typically you can’t get me to a show on the promise of virtuoso guitar playing (I get bored at around the fourth solo) but I decided that Lindsay was always the sanest member of Fleetwood Mac. That’s not much of a compliment, it’s pretty much the equivalent of calling someone the tallest Smurf. I think Stevie Nicks had to declare bankruptcy due to he scarf habit.

8) I had good seats to both shows over the weekend but in a really random occurrence both times I sat on the aisle by a doorway. This typically wouldn’t be a problem except that the Uptown Theater is drafty and people left the doors open and it was in the single digits meaning that every two minutes a very cold breeze would blow in my direction. I’ve never been tempted to put on a pair of gloves at a show before. I’m trying to think of what would look less cool? Somehow having mittens pinned to your shirt at a punk rock show would probably be so uncool that it is cool.

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