Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Curiouser and Curiouser

I’m going to continue to report on the Britney Spears story, even though we have crossed the line from “unbelievably funny” to “pretty sad, really”. I’m not sure that most nervous breakdowns are played out on Entertainment Tonight (whose producers, by the way, must have made some pact with the devil to have Brit and Anna Nicole Smith all go down during Sweeps. Seriously, Congress needs to look into their involvement in this sordid mess.)

Anyway, thanks to the greatly improved efficiency of the modern rehab facility, Brit was able to check out today having been totally cured of her dependencies in less than 24 hours. (I’m still trying to figure out if rehab is for quitters what quitting rehab implies.) Right now I’ll stay positive and think that Brit’s just decided to give up all of her bad habits for Lent and thus doesn’t need rehab. More interesting is that I read two rumors about why she shaved her head. The first was from a London paper who apparently used my blog as a source in stating that she felt that her hair extensions were infested with lice. I did write that on Sunday night and if I’m right I really should play the lottery more often. The other rumor, unfounded but very interesting, is that during the divorce proceedings K-Fed mentioned getting a hair sample so they could test for what substances Brit may have been ingesting. This is fascinating as it a) explains why she would rashly cut off her hair, b) implies that K-Fed watches CSI and c) would show a level of cunning out of K-Fed that no one would ever have believed possible.

In other news, since yesterday was Mardi Gras that means that today is Ash Wednesday and the start of lent. So this marks the time of year where I eat more fish and cheese pizzas than normal and try to figure out how to be a better person. To be honest, given that I think that I’ve fallen a great deal in my quality as a person over the past few years (a post in its own right), this shouldn’t be that hard of a thing to do. The question is, what precisely should I do.

See, I’ve never been a big fan of giving up something for lent. Mainly because people will always choose something like chocolate and I don’t see that as really meaningful. Sure, you are giving up a treat and it is a bit of a sacrifice but at the end of the day I don’t think that makes you a better person. I have for years claimed that I am giving up negativity for lent, which is a wonderful concept but the toughest thing in the world for me to put into practice. By Friday I’ll end up yelling at birds for chirping and waking me up in the morning. So while I will try to be more positive, I’d rather do something than give something up.

That’s what I’ll be thinking about over the next few days. Find something that I can do that will make an impact somewhere. It doesn’t have to be a big thing, I just want to make something happen. If anyone has suggestions, please let me know, but I’d rather act this year than practice self-denial. I think that it will make the world a better place all around.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

breaking news... Britney is back in rehab again. Oh wait, she just checked out. No wait she's back again. Oh, now she's checked out again. Ah, who cares, just go away already, Britney!