Thursday, February 22, 2007

House of Style

And now Brit is back in rehab. I haven’t seen the footage on YouTube yet, but I assume that there were people in LA wielding butterfly nets in an attempt to capture her and bring her back to rehab. Or maybe that is just in cartoons. However, why in the world is it that the conventional instrument used to subdue the mentally ill in cartoons is a butterfly net? It seems like a wholly ineffective methodology. I can’t imagine anyone stopping because they put a piece of gauze over their head. I know, maybe seeing someone getting tasered isn’t great for children but it has to be slightly more realistic.

(Also, the judge finally ruled that Anna Nicole’s estate (and more specifically, her body) is officially in the hands of her four month old son. I stand behind this decision as I’m pretty sure that the four month old is the sanest and smartest person in the whole thing.)

Just a heads up that since Sunday night is the Oscars I will once again be doing a live blog. While the awards don’t seem to hold as much entertainment promise as they have in years past (with the exception of Marky Mark winning and breaking out “Good Vibrations”) I’ll still give all of my usual commentary and fashion critiques. Mainly fashion critiques, which is even more interesting to read when you realize that I own t-shirts that can now apply for their own driver’s license. Yep, that Timberwolves t-shirt has passed the sixteen year mark. It also happens to be the first gift anyone gave me who wasn’t a member of my family so no effort would be sufficient to pry it from my closet.

(You see, yet another way How I Met Your Mother has stolen from my life. Except that I think that every guy holds on to things from ex-girlfriends. Partly because we are too lazy to throw anything away and partly because every guy believes, in his heart of hearts, that one day she is going to come back. There is something about the male psyche that simply does not allow rejection to be processed. If we were honest guys would respond to a girl breaking up with him by saying “How can you break up with me? I have excellent sperm. The odds of genetic mutation are quite low when compared to the rest of these morons.” Or maybe that’s just me.)

Speaking of fashion critiques and television shows, I have a strange addiction towards What Not to Wear on TLC. It’s not must-see tv but if I come across it I have to watch it for at least a few minutes. It might be the most cruel show on television as they sneak up on these poor women and tell them that they have no taste in clothes and are, to be blunt, ugly. At least on Queer Eye the guys were being embarrassed but it was with playful banter, here it is more like “We will destroy every cent of dignity you may have.” It’s kind of fascinating in an evil scientist sort of way.

The other thing that always keeps me watching is that they occasionally will choose someone who I think is cool and interesting before they do the whole makeover. Last weekend that had this woman from Seattle who was my age and who I would have gone out with in a second. Sure, she had an ultra-casual style and wore socks with sandals but it’s Seattle, I would consider that to be interesting eclecticism. Instead, they treated her like she was a disgrace to her family. Of course, she went through with the overhaul and did come out beautiful (to the point where my reaction was “she’s out of my league”) but she also ended up looking like everyone else. And that’s my problem with these shows. It’s great to not look like a slob but does that mean you also can’t look like an individual? We have enough clones walking around as it is, I’d prefer someone with a little bit of oft-kilter tastes.


Anonymous said...

FYI, it's a daughter, not a son. Her son "died", frozen in a secret lab in the deserts of New Mexico and will be unfrozen when a cure is finally found for seventeen stab wounds to the back.

Anonymous said...

link to Star Wars gangster rap video clip. warning: it is a streaming video and if every internet user were to watch videos simultaneously, it would use up so much bandwidth that the internet would crash forever and the earth impode upon itself.

as far as 80's one hit wonder dance/rap/r&b songs go, Marky Mark's 'Good Vibrations' hold up pretty well.

Anonymous said...

I think they should use a stun gun on Britney. While she's out cold, have Samuel L. Jackson chain her to a fixed object in the rehab center Black Snake Moan-style.