Monday, February 26, 2007

Twin Cinema

Today was an interesting day in the office. See, part of my weekend was spent reconfiguring my MP3 player and making sure that every single New Pornographers song was included. Somehow in that process I also copied over all of these Julie Delpy quotes that have congregated on my hard drive over the past decade (obsession is a wonderful thing). This meant that I spent much of today bouncing between killer pop songs, Neko Case singing and Julie Delpy reciting quotes from Before Sunrise. If you ever wanted to see EC the Happy Employee, this was the day. Nothing can put me in a bad mood with that as my background music.

Just a little Oscar night wrap-up. A few people caught Eddie Murphy’s reaction when he didn’t win, which came just short of him mouthing “Son of a…” on national television. Given that every single person had him winning the award this must have come as a surprise. What you didn’t notice is that he actually left the show soon after losing. Though, let’s face it, I wouldn’t have wanted to stick around that ceremony either. It went on forever and didn’t have any incredibly interesting moments. Nothing horrible, just four hours of blah.

It looks like my calls on Best Dressed match up with most of the experts. I gave it to the Cates (Blanchett and Winslet) and most people rank them high. Others liked Jennifer Lopez and I can’t just on general principle. She’s one of those people where I never quite understood the attraction. She wasn’t even the best looking Fly Girl, how could she be the most beautiful woman in Hollywood? The other name people mentioned for Best Dressed was Penelope Cruz and I can’t really disagree. Worst Dressed seems to be going to Anne Hathaway (in my mind, not great but not a horrible look), Kirsten Dunst (agreed if only because I can’t figure out how you make her look unattractive) and Jennifer Hudson (whose wearing a jacket on the red carpet has been viewed as such a faux pas you would have thought she had shown up wearing a swan like Bjork.) Not sure why this matters other than it is always fun to critique the fashion sense of celebrities when you are someone who wore gym shoes with everything until he was well into his thirties.

I have to give a shout out to How I Met Your Mother this evening with what has to be one of their best episodes in months. First off, I would like to thank them for including the scene where they picked up a hitchhiking Waldo. It’s nice to know that they gave me a cameo in the show based on my life. Plus, they did touch on how attached a guy gets to his first car even though it is a piece of junk. It’s what got you through college, a few road trips and even though the cassette player never worked right it still is yours. The first car I owned, a 1989 Chevy Cavalier that I bought in 1993, was famous for having windshield wipers that would turn themselves on in sunny weather and a cassette deck that if it liked a song would rewind and repeat it and if it didn’t it would eject the tape. Seriously, I never touched anything and the car would go, “This song sucks, I’m fast forwarding.” Those memories are hard to give up when you are forced to become an adult. Guess that’s why I’ve decided never to become one.

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