Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Top of the charts

Ok, so I celebrated the solstice by playing trivia but I did win so that even things out. An insane come from behind victory that involved us acing about four consecutive categories. It was impressive at least for those into trivia. That’s three in a row at the Flea Market and I’m pretty sure that someone is going to throw a punch at me if we win next week. And to be honest, I’ll probably deserve it.

But since it is late I might just decide to stay up all night. Since this is the least night that we have it is a pretty easy challenge. Maybe I should head to Alaska where staying up all night just requires staying awake for one more hour. It’s like heading to the north pole just so you can say that you’ve walked around the world.

I’m kind of bummed that my trivia competitions has caused me to miss a prime opportunity to live blog the Royals-Pirates series. Because when you think of epic baseball rivalries you immediately think of the seething hatred between the Royals and the Pirates. You know, going back to, uh, whenever the last time they played an interleague game. Plus, it is the two worst teams in baseball going at it so the humor potential is off the charts. I’m still going to do it, just so I can discuss every between inning promotion in detail. Being a cynical bastard has to come in handy at some point.

Completely different note: here is a good description of my life. Some people get calls late at night from friends saying “Join us at the bar.” Others are “My car has broken down, can you pick me up?” In my case I get, “Dude, do you know how to run a polynomial regression in excel?” I don’t know what is more frightening; the fact that I can immediately answer that question or that in the entire universe people know that no matter where I am I can be paged and give advice on statistical modeling.

A comment based on the random CD collection: Whatever happened to Veruca Salt? They were the next big thing there for a year and then they totally disappeared. Plus, I had a huge crush on Louise Post, who dated Dave Grohl for a while if I remember correctly. They are one of those bands that ended up being Missing in Action from the Chicago scene. On a similar note, I am very close to picking up a 7 CD, Best of the 90’s collection just so I can have every one hit wonder song of the decade in one place. It’s like I don’t feel like my life will be complete unless I have Snow and The Cardigans in my collection. Yes, that is pretty sad.

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