Friday, June 02, 2006

Off the schedule...

Quick explanation for anyone wondering. For the first time in a year (literally to the day), I missed a blog post. Two actually, but who is counting. There's an explanation and it's work related and it involves my no longer being able to say that the farthest west I've ever been is Lawrence. Maybe I took a little too much pride in that fact. Anyway, that left me incommunicado for a bit so apologies to those of you who rely on my posts to remind you of what day it is. Anyway, to make up for this, here is something from Douglas Coupland's new novel "jPod". I'll discuss it more on Sunday "You feel chilled because you have no character. You're a depressing assemblage of pop culture influences and cancelled emotions, driven by the sputtering engine of only the most banal form of capitalism. You spend your whole life feeling as if you're perpetually on the brink of being obsolete - whether it's labor market obsolescence or cultural unhipness."

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