Thursday, June 15, 2006

Not that innocent

Another week done gone…

1) Continuing on yesterday’s theme: I would like to challenge those who are more musically inclined to write a love song for oboe and bass clarinet. I just want to see if such a thing is possible. And yes, I played bass clarinet for my grade school band. You get to lug around something that is as large as a saxophone just without any of the coolness factor. Not like there is much of a coolness factor associated with grade school band to begin with but trust me, no one goes for the guy playing bass clarinet.

2) Your Brittney Spears update for the week and I swear I am not making any of the following up. I even have reliable sources. So, Brittney was out shopping with Sean Preston in tow and decided to hit Victoria’s Secret in order to pick up a couple of purple thongs. (Yes, I know that she also happens to be pregnant and somehow pregnancy and thongs just don’t seem to mix. Incredibly, that is not the punch line to the story.) Now, being a baby Sean Preston occasionally needs to be changed and at this moment he did so Brittney being the good mother that she is decided to take it upon herself to change the diaper. On the floor of Victoria’s Secret, directly in front of the register. And after changing the diaper she handed the uh, older diaper, to the cashier to dispose of. And the cashier, in a moment I so wish I got to see, politely refused.

3) I’m still not sure what is the most amazing part of that story: A) that Brittney knows how to change a diaper, B) that she felt that the floor of the store in full sight of a slew of witnesses was her best option or C) that the diaper hasn’t yet shown up on eBay.

4) I might as well go on record with my prediction. Within one year of giving birth to her second child Brittney will be doing a Playboy spread. It’s not like she is going to have a music career at that point, especially given that no one cared about her music in the first place. No acting career to fall back on so it will be off to Playboy for a quick buck and a last gasp of fame.

5) That’s going to be it for tonight. Have a happy Bloomsday tomorrow and remember the greatest book in the English language. “…and his heart was going like mad and yes I said yes I will Yes.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

(1.) Bass clarinet is still way cooler than soprano saxophone (See Kenny G)

(2.) that quote makes me think of the movie Back To SChool starring Rodney Dangerfield.