Thursday, June 03, 2010

The newest health food: deep fried spinach

So as part of my health kick I picked up some pre-sliced apples at the grocery store in order to have a healthy snack. Apples because I like apples and pre-sliced because I am not allowed to handle sharp objects. Anyway, I was quite surprised when I opened the package to find that each package of apples comes with a small container of caramel. If you want to understand the reasoning behind the obesity crisis in America this would be a good place to start. We can’t even sell apples in the grocery store without bundling them with a container of pure sugar.

I’m going to be really torn as to what to watch on television tomorrow night. We will have on simultaneously game four of the Stanley Cup Finals and the finals of the National Spelling Bee. It is so tough choosing between watching my Blackhawks and watching home school kids freak out on national television. I did check out the spelling bee semifinalists and it looks like the Kansas squad got wiped out early this year after winning it all last year. There is a surprising number of foreigners including a kid from New Zealand and another from Jamaica. Exactly how they qualified for the “National” Spelling Bee is more than a bit confusing.

(My pick to win? Tim Ruiter out of Virginia. He looks like I did when I was his age, was runner up last year and listed They Might Be Giants as his favorite band. He is the king of the home schoolers.)

And yes, as of today we are down to one Golden Girl. I assume that they had a tontine running and Betty White now inherits something like twenty million dollars and all DVD revenues. I could go into a discussion of the importance of the Golden Girls but I would rather mention that if they continue making Sex and the City movies at some point they will naturally become the next generation of the Golden Girls. To be quite honest they could just wait ten years, call it The New Golden Girls and not have to change the cast at all. It would probably make for a much more interesting show than their current movie.

That is all for tonight. I’ll post a few things over the weekend (some comedy bits that I’ve been playing around with that may or may not be funny) and then I will start up my World Cup preview. Are you ready for some soccer? It’s everything I love about sports. Athletes with funny names, ethnic stereotypes and no competition of any kind. Should be fun. Enjoy the weekend everyone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Make a little birdhouse in your soul