Yay! I have finally broken down and purchased a laptop stand. My carpal tunnel strained wrists are very grateful at this development and I finally seem to be hitting the right keys when I type. I don’t actually have carpal tunnel but over the past few years my hands have had a few more aches and pains than they have had in the past. Part of me thinks that this is just a part of growing old and soon I will be complaining about my arthritis and yelling at kids to get off my lawn. Another part of me wonders just what all my years sitting at a computer will result in years down the line. I’m not sure which answer I prefer.
On another note, I have been just having these absolutely bizarre dreams recently. It is rather strange. I went a few weeks where I wasn’t remembering my dreams and that is never a good sign. I’ve read about how important it is to be aware of your dreams and when you don’t it means that your mind is working on something big. Well, I seem to have broken through that logjam and have been having these big, vivid dreams every night and one of them I want to discuss.
(Yes, I know that reading other people’s descriptions of their dreams is the equivalent of looking at someone else’s baby pictures. It might technically be interesting but the other person is much more invested in the moment than you are. Look at it this way, in this case I won’t have an issue if you decide to post a comment saying that the baby is of below average attractiveness.)
Not surprisingly, one of the dreams took place in a bar. Given my lifestyle that would be a pretty typical environment for me to find myself. What really interests me is that I constantly dream about this bar and yet I have never been there in reality. Meaning I don’t dream of bars that I actually spent a huge portion of my life in. I don’t dream about the Backer or Harry’s. I dream about this unnamed bar where I am seemingly a regular and on great terms with the staff.
I could draw up a floor plan for this place. They have this little outdoor bar out back, really not much bigger than the bar setup that my grandparents’ had in their basement (it was a fun environment to grow up in). When I hang out there in my dreams I find myself talking to the staff. When I go inside I am in this multi-level establishment that usually has a small but dedicated crowd. Occasionally there are bean bag chairs to give it a seventies vibe. Every time I dream of it I know that it is the same place but I know that it isn’t real. I’ve just been visiting it for the past year or so.
Does anyone else have this? Are there places that you dream about that do not exist outside of your own imagination that you constantly visit? I find it fascinating that my subconscious will create this place to work things out and return to it months after I first dreamed of it. I used to have a similar dream as a kid but recently I have had more of a dream world that I find myself in. Things aren’t as random as they used to be. There seems to be an actual setting. I have no idea what this might mean, it could just be my rational mind trying to find meaning where there is none, but I’d really like to know if it is common or not.
Best of 120 Minutes: Heard Elvis Costello on Prairie Home Companion this weekend so I thought that it would be good to go with some old school Elvis. If your king is dead, try ours.
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