Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Blue Lion is Still the Coolest...

Best of 120 Minutes: Sigh. I miss the early 90’s. Not only did you still have videos but you could make them for under a hundred bucks and still get them in major rotation. I think I spent my entire junior year of college sitting around watching Pavement videos. Well that and nearly cracking under the pressure of electrical engineering classes. (I’ll tell that story one of these days. Closest I’ve ever come to giving up at anything in my life.) Not sure why I’m posting this under than I got a haircut over the weekend.

Sadly, that might be my biggest accomplishment of the entire weekend. It was just one of those weekends where my plans for going out on Saturday night were derailed by the fact that I decided to lie down at nine o’clock and could never convince myself to get back up again. As a general rule of thumb, you should never go out when you are already yawning. I wish I could say that I was tired due to a busy Saturday but in reality all I did was watch television as it snowed outside. Not a huge storm but enough to screw up the roads for awhile. It does make things pretty, I’ll give it that much.

Actually, driving down Ward Parkway after the ice storm last week was really cool. All of these old trees completely covered with ice and the branches slowly being dragged towards the ground were an awesome visual. Especially when a) they’re not my trees and b) I’m not the one worrying if they are going to hit a power line. As I’ve said in the past the one thing that worried me when I worked for the utility was an ice storm because there was nothing that you could do. You just sat there, watched your system collapse and then tried to figure out how many weeks it would take to replace all the poles. It’s never nice to feel helpless especially when it is your job we are talking about.

(Though it does look like the storm will result in my losing in the fantasy football playoffs. When you’ve spent the entire season living off of your wide receivers and the quarterbacks can’t even see them because of the snow it’s just not to be. Put up one hell of a fight though.)

I also got my Christmas shopping done or at least effectively done. That means that I have enough vague gifts to give to everyone on my list but there are a few other things that I need to pick up which shouldn’t be too challenging. Going in with a gameplan does make shopping a little easier as well as knowing when to shop. Chiefs games are always a good time in this town as is any time there is snow on the ground. I also picked up a very special gift for myself: the Black Lion edition of the Voltron DVDs. This gives me all five lions and, uh, probably something else I should hide in my apartment. Honestly, the wrestling DVDs are hidden now but Voltron and Beavis and Butthead still hold a prominent place in the collection. I’m not sure if that is a good thing.

(It doesn’t help that the Voltron series came in these ultra-cool metallic bins so they automatically attract attention. It’s just not always the type of attraction that one always wants. Having to explain that you are in your mid-thirties and collect episodes regarding robotic lions piloted by teenagers who can combine to form a super-robot with a large sword is not the easiest thing to do on a first date.)

The five random CDs for the week:
1) Ben Folds Five “Whatever and Ever Amen”
2) Sonny Landreth “The Road We’re On”
3) Kasey Chambers “The Captain”
4) Freakwater “End Time”
5) Whiskeytown “Faithless Street”

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